TOS Cervical Rib Removal and First Rib removal

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I (have) had Thoracic outlet syndrome. It took approx 8 years to figure out what I had. Finally found a doctor I could agree with. He found cervical ribs both right and left. Only had symptoms on my right side. Pretty sure symptoms were brought on by a car accident (whiplash). Anyway.. Had the cervical rib removed and the first rib removed along with the skaleen muscle that was in a spasm. It has been 5 weeks and I am still taking pain meds, although I am finally starting to feel some relief. Not ready to quit the pain meds though. Although I'm gonna have to since my dr wants me off them. Wish he could feel this pain.My chest is numb but it is painful underneath. It burns like heck and the muscles, or it may be the facia that runs from my neck to my chest that is so tight it kills me. I try to do my stretches but it hurts. Mornings are awful. Be prepared to not sleep at first. I am thankful to have found this site. You feel like you are the only one out there who has been through this since it is such a rare anomaly. If you are going to have this surgery perpare yourself for not only the pain but the mental challenge of being in pain for so long. You will have some really down days. Good luck

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198 Replies

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    I had both sides done, one in December 1989, the other January 1990, one month apart, was in the hospital a couple of days after each one. Dr. Was best thoracic surgeon I could of ever had. Was on pain meds a couple weeks after each one, they went under the armpit, and I have two real thin scars about 5 inches long on each side, you can barely see. I never had problems after, never had rehab, haven't been in much pain from them at all, except maybe a couple weeks after operations, and it took care of the problem! Went back to work after 2 months, had minimal pain for about a year, to get back totally on my feet. I guess it really matters who the surgeon is....mine has done plenty of them. Borges hospital in Michigan!

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    I'm happy to hear that you made out so well with two surgeries.  I had my first surgery on November 20th.  I had a follow up appointment yesterday. The surgeon said that I am at 80%.  I may reach 100% or I may stay here.  I am continuing PT and cannot return back to work yet because I do have TOS on the opposite side. I am now starting PT for it and I will receive Botox Injections.  The surgeon hopes that I can  heal without surgery on my right side.  

    Has anyone had Botox injections for TOS.  Did the injection with PT work?  Did  the TOS symptoms return after Botox injections?

    I am very happy with the staff at John Hopkins vascular surgery and  my surgeon Dr. Margaret Arnold.

    God Bless ,


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    Please ........ Tell me your doctor (surgeon) details.

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    My 16 year old daughter was in pain for almost 2 years. No one could diagnose what was causing her pain. She pushed through the pain and competed as an All Star Cheerleader as well as being on her High School Cheer Squad. Finally a Doctor diagnosed her 2 months ago with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. One month ago yesterday she had her extra left cervical rib removed, her brachial plexus nerve was decompressed and her scalene muscle that was in spasm was released. She has done so well! She took one dose of pain meds and she threw up. She never took anything more then ibuprofen again. She hasn’t had any more pain and she is already doing push ups in physical therapy. She will start tumbling again next week! 

    I tell all of you this in hopes that you will see that not everyone has a difficult and painful experience. If you are having this surgery don’t be afraid because of what you read as others experience. Everyone is different and not everyone is miserable.

    • Posted

      I am going to be having transaxillary first rib resection surgery.... is a chest tube placed for draining fluid that you know of? I have heard many different things! Did they make her cough/breathe deeply often after surgery? How long was she in the hospital? 

      Did she have the surgery done in Dallas Texas? 

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    Hi I've just been diagnosed with having 2 extra cervical ribs which are to be removed. Thanks for this as I was reading some of these and was gonna not have it done x

  • Posted

    I am going to be having transaxillary first rib resection surgery.... is a chest tube placed for draining fluid that you know of? I have heard many different things! Did they make you cough/breathe deeply? How long were you in the hospital? 

    Did anyone have their surgery done in Dallas Texas? 

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    I am about to get the TOS surgery both ribs removed right side if goes well left side later. How long approximately was recovery? Pain? Being able to use arm? Return to work?

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      So I had both sides done.. two ribs each (and an arterial bypass as well because the artery was do squished. the first side was a dream! Very simple recovery (including the bypass.) The drain tube was great and very helpful. I was limited for a couple of weeks due to docs instructions only. Round two was not as great! The tube was taken out prematurely and the fluid gather under my arm sending me to the ER for pain relief. I had a hard time getting comfortable for four to six weeks. There are so many nerves around this surgery... re-remind your surgeon to be careful of every single one of them! Good luck to you!

    • Posted

      Thank you for the info. I have both arterial and nerve compression. One of the nerves on right side already severed, Surgeon said both arterial and nerve bypasses are required. 3 surgical teams involved and supposedly 6-8 months recovery.

      I thank you for your information as it gives me more hope than what the Doctors have. They are very skeptical I will be able to use my right arm after surgery. Your story gives me absolute hope for a recovery irregardless of recovery time.

      Thank you for putting my nerves at ease.

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      Pretty fantastic they can perform a nerve by pass. The nerves that were disturbed on one side have slowly gotten better (some numbness and tingling here and there -almost none now.) I take a baby aspirin daily because of the by pass. It sounds like you have a great team that has studied your case. Because this is so rare (most doctors have very little experience) more brains and eyes on the surgery the better. Wishing you a wonderful outcome!!!

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      I really hope they are a good team. This has been 4 years and climbing since first diagnosis. Very true almost all doctors are in the dark. They only read about it in text books. I lucked out in Canada and got the surgeon who taught about the surgery, then he passed away not even 6 months later and I had to start again. However he did give me enough knowledge to keep fighting for answers and help. It has been a long struggle finding the right doctors to do this. Here's to hoping between Canada and US medical teams they do right with this. Thank you so much for all your support and answers. These were questions the Doctors couldn't answer for me.

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      I'm sorry it took so long.. as you know, more damage occurs the longer you wait. My surgeon with Kaiser had done 35 double rib removals in his career so I asked for him vs the others who had done few or just a first rib only removal. Let me know how you are doing... take care!!

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      I will thank you again for the support. Praying all goes well!

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