Total knee replacement and beyond .......

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It will be 14 weeks post op tomorrow and I am doing better. There seems to be a little pocket of fluid on the right side of my knee but my doc says it's nothing to worry about. I am still not anywhere near to being pain free but am relying on Advil and Tylenol to get me through. I am heading to get blood work done today to see if I might have an infection (Lord, I hope not). But something is wrong for me to still have pain. I should be dancing a jig by now. More later.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Karen,  hopefully no infection.  I am 15 months post op and still get a little pocket of fluid on the outside of my knee sometimes.  Doc told me nothing to worry about when I first saw at 7 months, again at 11 months, lastly at 13 months.  It has gone away each time....was told I twisted, bent did something.....and I am sure now it is just part of my healing.  Hopefully the same for you.  When it shows up, I ice and elevate...fluid disappears.

    good luck,


  • Posted

    No jig, I am almost eleven weeks now. It takes time for muscles to build up and support the knee. I don't know,but it may be a simple matter of time...let's hope so!

  • Posted

    I don't think you should be dancing a jig yet, whoever gave you that impression?

    This is a long haul.

    It takes about a year before you really begin to feel the benefits of the operation.

    Sorry if that seems a long way off to you at the moment but better to be realistic.

    I had TKR 5 years ago, best thing I have ever done, a total success, I had an excellent Consultant and lots of help with Physiotherapy afterwards.

    Be patient.

    Take care and keep in tocuh

    Love Sarah xxx

    • Posted

      Well my sister was back to work in week 6 and a girlfriend was released by PT afterv4,weeks. I realize we are all different and I had scar tissue issues. I want my old life back and golf and hike and kayak. I feel I am unable to do any of it at 14 weeks!! Grrrrrr
    • Posted

      Sorry folks, but hope it might encourage some - I am dancing a jig now.  TKR was done 1st March (this year) and it feels like years ago - I've not been aware of it for weeks now - probably by about 8 weeks post op.  No problems from the knee at all, it feels firm and stable and brilliant!  Waiting for the appointment for the next knee now.  But we are all different.  But for me the benefits were there VERY quickly, so I don't think we can tell anyone what sort of journey they'll have - what's realistic for one is different for someone else.  Just putting the opposite side of it because it does seem to vary so much from person to person:-)))))

    • Posted

      Maybe that was a bit optimistic LOL!  You WILL get your life back though and enjoy it all the better for having this op:-))))  Just do things as your body is ready to do it - you'll know when the time is right, just like we were left to know when to go from crutches to sticks, and from two sticks to one stick etc.  It may well not be long for you to do what you want to do:-))))

    • Posted

      Never was on crutches. Had a walker and then a cane which was more dangerous than walking without it. Lol. Lucky you, Chris. I will need left one done but not for a year or two. Arthritis. Ugh.
    • Posted

      Ah - in hospital on the day of the op we were given a walker, and then the next day progressed to crutches and then told to change to sticks - I asked when and they said about three weeks, and then go down to one. 

      Yes, I know I was so lucky, but we've had a few on here recently who've had a similar (or even faster - Freestork!) rate of recovery than me and I thought mine was miraculous!:-)))

  • Posted

    Well I'm entering 14 weeks and still have pain sometimes. Maybe a better description would be discomfort. I'm walking well even though my rom is around 95. It seems like in the last few days I feel better.

    Just got off the Tramadol and Tylenol seems to be working. I'm 70 and was in pretty good shape and thought I'd do a little better but hey, I can walk without that horrible iT Band pain and bone on bone knee pain. Still know I have lots of exercises to do to improve. When I see someone who as you British call "brilliant " I put my fingers in my ears and go lalalalala. I'm not going to compare myself. No no not going to go it.

  • Posted

    It is tough not getting where you expect to be by a certain point and I should know as I am behind the progress milestones for most aspects of my TKR now 9 weeks old.

    ?But you can see on these posts how we all vary so much from those who sail through to those who struggle to progress, often there is no rhyme or reason apparent. People who get both their knees doen, often report they each heal entirely differently, so it is unlikely to be something  anybody can control, more like luck of the draw.

    ?Just to pop in an anecdote, my elderly aunt did really well with TKR and apparently rejoined her seniors' ballroom dancing group  after 2 months with little bother. At 9 weeks my knee is swollen and not bending well and I'm many years younger. Walking is still tiring and I won't be dancing anytime soon I fear. I am so disappointed as I am having the knee manipulated soon. It does have that pocket of fluid in a couple of places.

    ?We do hear of all sorts of miracle recoveries and that makes us feel like we are under achieving - I clocked the disppointment in the face of the consultant and pt's and even family and friends and the  " Aren't you all better yet?" remarks though well meaning do not help. Feel a bit like i failed my driving test or something after my appointment!

    ?We will progress eventually I'm sure and there is no going back on this TKR journey is there, just forwards. Best wishes and hope your pain will lesson soon.

    • Posted

      Yes, the looks. Hmmmm, are you still using the cane, hmmmm, are you still taking pain meds, hmmmm why aren't you still in pt, didn't you go, hmmmmm, I didn't know recovery took so long. I almost want to hide until the year is up. 🤐

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