Total or Partial

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Hi Everyone, I am 22 weeks total knee replacement on my left knee whic I am really happy with the outcome, however my right knee is heading down the same route and will need replaced. My consultant said I may get away with a partial knee replacement and would decide when I see him next. I have a few concerns about having a partial done and was wondering if anyone who has had a partial kr done has had to go on and have the tkr done? How long inbetween the partial and full did you get? How much different was the recovery time and how long were you off work for. I am only 50 and needed 4 months off for this one with phased return as on feet all day. I know my boss wil not appreciate me having to be off again to get right done. Thank you for any help/advice Sue x

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sue

    I had pkr May 19. Went back to work at 4 weeks . Would have been better if I could have had two more weeks off but I did manage . Just had to ice at night and stay off it as much as I could when not working .

    I am 58 and was told ( want to believe it !) that mine will last rest of my life.

    Tremendous amount of pain first two weeks . Overall I am so extremely happy with the results . At 3 months I almost forget I had it done .

    This site was so helpful and I couldn't have survived without everyone's advice and encouragement .

    Good luck ! Keep up posted !


    • Posted

      Hi Debbie, that sounds good, I really do not want to go throug partial for it not to last. The total knee has been a great sucess just a long road. I agree this site is brilliant, so glad i found it. sue xx
  • Posted

    Hi, had l- PKR almost two years ago. Recovery was pretty straight forward and all went well until about four months later when my right knee started giving me fits. Thought it was just compensating for the other knee. But it continued to get worse. Had a total on the right in February as the arthritis was becoming unbearable and I was pretty much non-functioning.  The recovery was more " challenging" but has done quite well. In fact, it's doing better than the two year old partial.  So, you do what ya gotta do. I fully expect some sort if revision in the future. But we'll see. Good luck and good recovery. Don't quit. 

    • Posted

      Hi Melinda

      Sounds like you did well with the pkr recovery as I did .Was wondering how long you were laid up with the total as far as driving , work , etc.

      also when you say the total is doing better exactly what does that mean .

      Thank you !


    • Posted

      I think it was about six weeks. Although, I could drive sooner - once there I was limited as to how long I could stand or walk food shopping. 

      As far as the PKR, I don't know what the issue is. It's not as strong. Will get sharp side load pain if not careful walking on uneven ground. My surgeon said to give it a few months for it to adapt with the other knee. X-rays show no problems. The right has virtually no swelling. Did better in PT too. I think I wish now he had done a total on that one. But the arthritis pain is gone from both. Can walk and stand quite normally. Though I won't ever be a candidate for Dancing with the Stars, don't regret getting it done. And if the doc says that pesky partial needs to be a total, I'll say "let's do it!"

    • Posted

      Oh my gosh you are so brave . Maybe it's to soon but I can't imagine going through it again . But ... Have s feeling I'm going to be looking at a total with other knee sad I'm making Doc apt this week . Can I ask how old you are ? You seem like you did great with both the surgeries , it's just so difficult to be laid up that long when you are a busy person . And it's so hard and depressing at the beginning .

    • Posted

      Hi Melinda, I thought too at first my right knee was compensating for my left recovering but unfortunately it is going the same way. I hope to put off the surgery as long as I can but now back on stronger painkillers. I need to try put it of too workwise as do not have a sympathetic boss or colleagues who do not understand the enormity of the operation and thought I should be back at 6 weeks to  a class of 26 and on my feet all day I will see how it goes. Thank you. sue xx
    • Posted

      Good luck and do your best to take care of yourself. Don't forget to continue the strengthening excercises, rest, elevate and ice as needed. 

    • Posted

      Not so brave. Just couldn't deal with pain and being crippled up. I'm 66. Getting old sux and I miss doing all the things that used to come so easily. The second time around you, at least know what expect. I think that makes it a bit easier. The gang here are a great help with tips and moral support.

    • Posted

      Hi Melinda

      Just double checking that you said you were off 6 weeks with your TKR correct . That is great I hear most are off for months . I just could not take that much time . I know one never knows until it comes how it will be .

      Thank you !


    • Posted

      Hi, Debbie,

      everyone is different -age, physical condition, etc. hopefully your job can allow standing, sitting and walking about. I was, and still am, worse doing any one thing too long. Need to stretch it out then rest it out. When you get home - relax, rest, elevate and ice...and maybe a pill. Best of luck.

    • Posted

      Hi Debbie I was off 3 and a half months with my total knee replacement and my Doctor only let me back to work then as it was end of school term. She told me if school had not been breaking up she would have had me off another month. I am 50 and taking that long off is what is worrying me about getting the other one done but as I am on feet all day for 8 hours she would not let me back sooner. My knee was still really swelling and stiff at that stage. I am back on Monday coming full time and she is very wary but will see how it goes. I know everyone heals differently and some quicker/slower than other but I have found it takes a lot longer than I expected. At least will be prepared for all that arises with number 2. S xx
    • Posted

      Hi Melinda, I am still doing most of my exercises, walking and static bike as I really want the now bad knee to be prepared for when it does need surgery. Being back to work full time next week will tell the tale and I will see how I go xx
    • Posted

      Please do let us know !

      Hope it goes ok . Will pray for you !


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