Totally exhausted and imbalanced!!
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Hi all...
So I went, yet again, to my doctor yesterday...
Told her I have no quality of life and that the 2nd lot of patches I'm using don't seem to help. I thought they were too strong so I cut them in half - now I ache SO BADLY I just want to cry!! I've just put another on but not cut it in half to see if it will help but I just seem to be treating myself in a very hit & miss style! My doctor isn't sure what to recommend so is going to get a pharmacist colleague to look into it regarding alternatives... I mentioned Bio's but she wasn't clued up on them, I don't even know what my hormonal situation is as I can't have blood tests as that's not how the NHS works... apparently it's judged on symptoms and how a person is feeling?!
Well I'm so tired, I hurt, can't think straight, am forgetful and I just can't function!! I'm 46 and feel 90... that's how I'm feeling! I've been on HRT for nearly 6 months now and I feel I should be feeling the benefits by now if I'm going to surely?? If not, maybe it's just not for me but I can't carry on like this?! It's just a vicious circle and one that could last for years and years!! So upset, I'm sorry to rant. I just don't know what to do for the best... it hurts to do anything. 😪
AJ. xx
1 like, 11 replies
supemack39 AJacynM
Hi AJ,
Has your doctor suggested oral hrt at all? The patches just didn't work for me and sent me totally off the rails. I,m sorry to hear that someone of your age should be suffering so much. See if you can go onto hrt by mouth and see if that helps?
AJacynM supemack39
I didn't want to take oral tabs as I was worried about the blood clot risk and the drugs in the patches bypass the liver so reducing the risk... however I'm not getting on well at all.
lydia2311 AJacynM
AJacynM lydia2311
I've now used Evorel and Femseven... I'm currently using Femseven as the progesterone in Evorel gave me really bad PMT and mastitis type pain!
dora_39625 AJacynM
AJacynM dora_39625
d19606 AJacynM
AJacynM d19606
Hi there,
Yes the fem 7 don't stick as well, someone told me to press them to the skin for around 3 minutes as this aided sticking and it has helped.
I feel really tired too on them and achey all over where as I didn't on Evorel... I had to come off Evorel though as the progesterone side of it gave me such bad symptoms... could just do with my head screwed on a younger new improved body really!!
Not sure what to say about your spotting as I hadn't had a period for a year until the Evorel but now they're back each month - no spotting in between though... it's all trial and error isn't it?!
AJ. x
d19606 AJacynM
AJacynM d19606
You're quite right and you'd think we'd feel much better for replenishing our hormones but unfortunately I guess these are now synthetic hormones we are introducing to our body and not natural so that causes issues for some (like you and I) whereas others are great on them, we're all unique and what works great for some - doesn't for others... my mom was great on them, a new woman - I am not😩!! There are bio identical hormones available but on the NHS it seems they are not recommended first line/choice... in the US it seems more accepted. Plus over here we don't have regular lab/blood tests (or at least my GP doesn't) to check hormone levels so I have no idea whether my hormones are in line using patches or not! There again I heard of one woman in the US whose hormones were checked & totally in line using HRT but she felt terrible!
It's is just horrible though as I have no idea what's happening regarding my levels but I don't feel good and I'm a totally different person to pre menopause and I hate it. I just want my life back!!
Re your spotting, I wonder if you should be referred to gynae for an exploratory exam? Not nice I know but that'd poss clear the prob as I've heard of others needing this?
Hope you get sorted soon.
Hang in there.
AJ. x
d19606 AJacynM