Totally fed up

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Hi all I have just got back from the Docs and feel dreadful.. The Doc did not accept that my symptoms of sickness, frequent bowel movements and dizzyness are the menopause!!!!  Just would not listen!!!! Said it was viral!!  It is so frustrating!!  I then mentioned I had a bleed that just lasted about one day and was very light couple of weeks ago.  This is after not having a period for months and months as I am in full menopause now!!  She then said she would like me to have a biopsy of the lining of my womb to rule out a tumour!!!!!!!!  Has anyone else had a light bleed when in menopause???  I am ever so slightly worried!!!!!!

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Margarett you sound so down, its horrible when the doctor dosnt listen. Isuppose she is being safe with the biopsy. My Mum had this & was all clear. I know its hard to say dont worry but this is such an emotional time going through the change for all of us ladies. My thoughts are with you & I send you a great big hug! Love Barbara
  • Posted

    Thank you is so frustrating because I know I am right!!  Lots of ladies on here suffering the same as me!!!  Yes it is good she is checking it out as it has to be investigated but it is more than likely to be nothing; that's what I need to tell myself.  It has only happened once and just as I am going into meno but it is still a bit of a shock to hear it could be serious!!!!  This is such a tough time and I feelmy life is just dominated by this.  I was going to meet a lovely man today and have had to call off as I feel so bad; so sick.....just horrible!!!!  Thank you again though it is nice to chat.XXXX
  • Posted

    Hi magaret sorry to hear your so down. I'm bleeding very lightly most days a month and got all the other symptoms that comes with it . I had an investigation and a biopsy in march last year and it was all normal thank god I say but I can sympothy with your anxity I had the marina coil fitted but that hasn't made any difference. I'm now waiting to go in for a hysterectomy hopefully within the next 3 months and hopefully that will be the end of this terrible time I'm going through . Keep on to your doctor and hopefully she will get you to go and see a gynaecologist. Hope you feel better soon .just remember your not on your own .

    Sending big hugs.


    • Posted

      Thank you. I have done a bit of reading and it seems this is not unsual and as I am just going into meno it is a time this can happen.  I have also lost weight and that can also trigger a slight bleed.  The Doc is useless...she has now denied she said she would give me oestrogen cream.....gave me a none oestrogen cream which is no use to me!! She is writing to gyne dept so that will be done but I will not go back to her!! I think it is just a year since my last period so it all fits.....I am less worried now but still feel sick!! You have had your troubles too....gosh that is a big op but hopefully you will be much improved after it!! Thanks again for your kind words they really do help.XXXX
  • Posted

    Hi Margaret i had a  bleed but that was due to using vagifem pesseries eostrogen replacement, had to stop using them, i had to have a scan too see if it had affected my womb lining but all was ok. Have you any swelling, did she give you an internal examination and say she felt anything? im sure your really worried but its best to have this sort of dr than those who do nothing, maybe when the biopsy comes through clear she will then re think about it being menapausal, problem is when we get to this stage in our life we tend to think everything we get may be due to menapausal so a good idear to rule out other things as well. im really shocked since joining in with this topic the same symptoms that so many of us are getting affecting so many of us in different ways, Gosh its awfull but thankfully with the good advice from others we will all get through this. i think every family dr. and gyno should read our posts to be aware of the range of symptoms the menapause can be and how its affecting us all.



    • Posted

      Hi Susan, does not seem to be a swelling and no she did not check anything! I agree she is right for me to be checked out but I wish GP's would educate themselves...not one of them beleive me that my symptoms are the meno. Makes me feel like an idiot even though I know I'm right.  I am sure the bleed will be to do with something none serious as 90% of meno bleeds are!! I had no idea at all of the range of symptoms until I started reading about it and diagnosed myself.......and I was right as the bloods told us I was in meno!! I think I will advise the next Doc I see to do exactly this and learn.  Thanks for your support Sue and yes we will just support each other through this mad time.XX
    • Posted

      Hi Margaret you must have the same GP as me.   I had too many symptoms so it can't be peri menopause she said so did all the running around in a panic.  What a waste of time.  I am happy to be suffering too.  It will be over soon dear.  This too shall pass they say.  Stay positive!  xo
  • Posted

    Hi Margaret, 

    I am not there yet, but this happened with a friend of mine.  She is some years older than me, and it was many years ago, so we never discussed those things, but I know she as not even concerned and nothing came out of it. hugs


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