Tough road ahead
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Hello all,
I've only been on Sertraline for a couple days but I'm already feeling the side effects. I'm not hungry, very hard to fall asleep, and it's making my anxiety/panic attacks worse. I don't have any motivation to do anything and am scared to make any type of human contact outside my home. Spent last night on the couch trying to sleep but managed to stare at the ceiling for most of the night. I called out of work today and feel like I will have to miss an extended period of time. My wife is upset with me probably because she doesn't understand what I'm going through and I look like a lazy guy who's on the couch all day. Is this all worth trying to beat my anxiety? Does this treatment actually subside panic attacks?
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weenett matthew101782
matthew101782 weenett
Thanks it's good to know that many people are going through or have been through similar experiences. Honestly I'm dreading my next dose. After reading many of these posts maybe I should try to take it before bed.
ger00232 matthew101782
matthew101782 ger00232
Any type of dream would be welcomed at this point. I managed to get a nap in today and have felt better since but it's almost time to take my next dose and I'm hoping round 2 doesn't start soon.
anne81411 matthew101782
Hi Matthew , So sorry too here your struggling but I'm also in the same boat , on day 5 but hanging in there , my husband doesn't understand what happening with me and thinks it's all in my mind !! So I'm trying to be so possitave when he's around but hard , so hoping the Meds start to work soon .
Hope you feel ok soon as well .😄
matthew101782 anne81411
Hello Anne,
Believe it or not I probably would have had the same reaction as your husband if this wasn't happening to me as well. My wife is having a tough time understanding what's going on with me. I guess it's a tough thing to understand if your not going through it. I really just want to feel normal again and not so uncomfortable in my own skin. Only time will tell if this works I'm told. Until then at least we can talk on here and help each other out.
Nementh matthew101782
Hi Matt and welcome
I'm on week 3 for taking Sertraline 50mg for primarily anxiety and panic attacks. I felt bad for the first two weeks with the side effects, including chest pains, increased anxiety, excess sweating, feeling sick and a few others. In the past week these have started to calm down, and here's the good news - my anxiety and panic is beginning to soften.
Sleep-wise, my doctor prescribes me Zopiclone 3.75mg to be taken before bed. It's a hypnotic which helps you feel sleepy and get to sleep easier. I've suffered from insomnia due to all this and it's helped a lot, it may be worth telling your doctor about your sleep issues and asking if something like this could help you. But, Zopiclone are addictive, psychologically speaking, not sure about physically, and shouldn't be seen as a long term solution, probably only one or two weeks at the most.
But anyway, things do get better in time, and if Sertraline doesn't work for you there are other SSRI's that may suit you better. Stick with it for at least 4 weeks so that it has time to get in your system and for the side effects to subside
matthew101782 Nementh
Thanks Nementh. I'm hoping to be back to work next week, so hopefully the side effects can be controllable by then. I think the hardest part is not knowing if this treatment is going to work for me. I can't be on the couch all the time with a wife and two kids but wanting to get better for them is putting more pressure on me too. Hoping for a better day tomorrow.
Nementh matthew101782
No problem,
I took the first week off as well. It might be wise to ask if you can do a phased return to work, that might help ease you in to it and you'd have the comfort of knowing you wouldn't be there long to begin with - which would ultimately reduce the stress and give you more time to keep your family in order.
I wasn't so lucky, I was still within my probationary period at work and they let me go on the grounds that after the current job was done there wouldn't be enough work to go around.
That being said, I've got backups so I can pay the mortgage/bills/food etc for some time so it's at least one stress alleviated.
matthew101782 Nementh
That sucks about your job. Thankfully I've been at my company long enough that I can qualify for extended time off if I need it. Hope I can get back to work next Friday.
anne81411 matthew101782
Hope you day is good so far !! My day has started bad a lot of anziety today in fact haven't felt like this in a long time 😦 Maybe that's normal you get worse before you get better 🤔🤔Hope so .
weenett anne81411
Yeah it does they should say it'll get pretty rough and u'll probably want to stop taking the meds but dont?! Thats more accurate! Keep going b strong!
matthew101782 anne81411
weenett matthew101782
It will u'll have a few crap days then some good some bad some good thats the way it goes progress is slow and very up n down
Nementh weenett
Couldn't agree with this more, everything was going well for me today, got our wedding venue booked, managed to have lunch to celebrate at a place we liked...then the blasted car broke down in the middle of a busy car park and it all went to pot >.< thankfully my fiancee managed to calm me down before the guy from the AA got there! But been having stomach, calf and neck pains on and off ever since and been quite edgy and twitchy. It's tolerable, but wholly infuriating.
weenett Nementh
Nementh weenett
Yeah it seems like that but i'm not letting it be that way, this evening i've been doing a full set up on my guitar so it will sound awesome again so I can end the day on a positive rather than dwelling on the thoughts of earlier CBT was saying counter every negative with the positives, and i'll give it my best shot!
anne81411 matthew101782
That's great Matthew your having a good day 😀Hope it's the start off your recovery path 🙏😀
anne81411 weenett
Thanks Weenett, they should tell us all what too expect 😖
anne81411 weenett
Thank you Weenett, good to here , hope tomorrow gets better 😞😞😞