Toxic Flatulence Cured
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I have been on Omeprozole for many years. The past two years I have suffered from toxic flatulence. I could not relate it to any specific food and the only way I could stop it was to go on a no to very low carb diet. I complained enough to my GI doc that he considered SIBO, small intestine bacterial overgrowth.My research suggested it was caused by the low acid environment in the stomach and intestines. This environment allowed bacteria to grow where they would not normally be found. After 10 days on Doxycycline I am cured. I am not sure how long it will last, as I am still on Omeprezole.
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james_47376 hbv2020
iv just read artical that ppi are and should br temp use
8 weeks max
i cannot belive doctors allow people to stay on them
yes your prob not making enough acid and catching infections
come off the omez
moon53540 james_47376
why are ppis only for temp use? I have been on them for years. I try not to take them unless I really need them because they make me jaw swing and grind my teeth, but I get bad acid reflux and I worry about ulcers.
james_47376 moon53540
its well documented why
dint you read up on what your intaking ? long term use is not advised
its just covering up the problem not fixing the cause
matthew_82030 hbv2020
By any chance did your burps taste the same as your farts? and was accompanied with diarrhea when it got bad?
c696969 matthew_82030
Im not on this medicine but I have the symptom youre talking about and cant find any other posts about it.