Tramadol has just taken over my sleep pattern and made it impossible!

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Hi all,

At first I was put on tramadol for pain in my neck and shoulder, the first night was great, no pain and a decent sleep at last, this lasted about a week - but I suppose my body got used to the 50mg of Tramadol, so my doctor put it up to 100mg a day. 50mg in the morning and 50mg at night, this knocked me out at nights for about 3 weeks!

Then this week, the pain came back with a vengence, my doctor put me on 50mg in the morning and 100mg at night, this was okay the first night, pain free and a relaxing sleep. But that was only the first night. Taking 100mg at night has broken my sleep pattern completely, I keep feeling nauseous, cannot sleep because of this and the pain as well.

Beings my doctors surgery is stretched to it's limit could I split the 150mg a day of Tramadol over the whole day? It is the 100mg my body cannot handle with or without at nights. Everytime I lie down, I feel nauseous so getting any sleep without pain, well that's a nightmare! (pardon the pun).

I know many of you hate Tramadol on here, but how are you taking various dosages throughout the day? I would appreciate how other doctors have increased yours, I know 150mg is bad enough but I don't want to take anymore for pain, or cause further nauseous feelings, most importantly at bedtime.

So, my main question is how would you take 150mg - mainly for pain and sleep?



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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I wish you had access to tablets in the UK. I can take only about 75 mg at a time, or I risk getting sick. I have the option of breaking tablets in half.

    Personally, I'd stick with 50 mg BID, and add acetaminophen (or whatever you call Tylenol over there) to make up the difference. Then, if that doesn't work, try 50 mg TID, and still take the acetaminophen.

    • Posted

      I am in the UK, based not far from the Government Communications HQ in Cheltenham, which looks like a huge flying saucer from space. lol.

      Are you saying you can get a 75mg capsule or a 25mg capsule? My doctor only showed me 50mg for pain to be used with 20mg of Amitriptyline at night, then a few days a go increased the nightly dosage to 100mg of Tramadol. I basically all my main tablets at least 30-60 before the Tramadol, but not even that worked with the 100mg dosage.



    • Posted

      No, we get tramadol in tablets, which are easy to break.
  • Posted

    My doctor put me on 100mg upto 4 times a day although I very seldom went tjhat far.

    I did at first but found I was flying so I restrict myself to 100mg at night unless the pain gets unhandleable then I may take one capsule (50mg) at about 7 o'clock and another 2 (100mg) at 11ish then bed, but, I also take 10mg of Amitriptyline with the bed time dose. Many people say that it is unwise to do this, but I listened to my doctor who assured me it was safe and have had no problems for the 2 years I've been doing it. Sleep's not a problem ( I do it gold medal standard), Staying awake is a different matter, I'm OK if I'm doing something but when I stop and relax I either go into standby mode or switch off completely   I suggest you try the Amitriptyline with Tramadol, it's very good for nerve pain and it helps with the sleep. Ask your doctor.

    • Posted

      It just dawned on me that tricyclics (like amitriptyline) do me that way. The next day I walk aroungd in just a bit of a fog. It's not really a problem unless I get still.... then I just go out. But 10 mg of it isn't very much, so I don't know if that would be part of your problem or not.
    • Posted

      Hi Steve 1,

      I am on 2 x Amitriptyline 10mg with 2 x Tramadol 50mg at night, and 1 x Tramadol in the morning. Throughout the day I am basically fighting to stay awake, sometimes I don't even know I am asleep, until someone calls me, but that could be down to 'Functional Episodes' which are like seizures.

  • Posted

    My very strong suggestion is to please go back to your doctor. Because no matter how busy THEY are...YOU are the most important person there. 

    There's a big hoo haa going on because the 'powers that be' have put Tramadol on the dangerous drugs list and many GPs have just stopped giving their patients Tramadol. Some have even told the patient that he/she is a drug addict! However.....these patients have developed very bad withdrawal symptons including: pain,obviously,nausea, loss of sleep etc,etc,etc,etc.   Google Tramadol and you will see a very long lst of possible symptons. So you need to go and TELL your caring GP that you aren't happy to be put on a noxious substance and that they must prescribe pain relief for you that is not addictive. 

    If necessary,take a friend with you as back up. 

    I do sympathise with you,Les,truly. If you feel you really must have Tramadol then try taking one x 50mg three times a day. So,for instance,if you wake at 7AM take one then. Take the 3rd one at night and take the 2nd one during your waking hours when the pain is too much. I'm not a medic,just some one who was happily taking Tramadol until the rug was whipped out from under my feet,so to speak!

    • Posted

      Hi Tuddy Pud,

      I have read many stories on the side-effects of Tramadol and also trying to be weened off them. They were offered to me, at first at only one 50mg dose before bed, and I felt no pain and managed to get a decent nights sleep, but after a week I think my body my of become immune to them, because the pain returned and I had problems sleeping, which is what I had in the beginning. Trying to see my own GP is really a nightmare, the surgery has even all online facilities like booking appointments, requesting repeat prescriptions, etc.

      I am sure I read somewhere Doctors do not offer Tramadol on 'Repeat Prescriptions' yet I can request them at 100 x 50mg at a time, it would take me ages to reach 100 in the first place. The first doctor I seen was new to me and only offered 28 Tramadol, which to me seemed fine. The second time I put a request in, the same doctor changed the amount to 56. Now, my own doctor whom I had not seen for about 2-3 months just prescribed me 100 and placed them on repeat so I don't need to phone the surgery or even make an appointment. Basically, these days they make repeat prescription requests far too easy for any medication. I think Tramadol is classed as a Class 'C' drug, I know I have to sign any prescription form with them on twice. I maybe wrong on that though.

      I will try what you said and stagger them, that way I will not be going to bed on 100mg of Tramadol, it cannot be any worse than what I am going through at the moment.

      TBH, I hate taking painkillers, but paracetamol don't work and I am unable to take any other medication with codeine in it, due to some surgery I had done about two and half years ago.



    • Posted

      Hello Les.

      Paracetamol is indeed not strong enough to cope with severe pain and many people are unable to take Codeine. And nowadays most surgeries offer appointments and repeat prescriptions via the internet. And quite right too. What a saving for everybody.

      I'm not against Tramadol.....quite the opposite. I was taking it and Solpadol quite happily for 2 forms of Arthritis and have been since the year 2000!  Four weeks ago my GP told me I must reduce the amount I was taking because of these recent changes as you said. I was taking 2 x 50mg three or four times a day, plus 2 Solpadol three times a day with the Tramadol. I can't tolerate anti imflamatories. So for the last 4 weeks I've been struggling with the withdrawal effects of a painkiller that I was originally forced to take by threats of having no pain relief given if I continued to be 'awkward'. Since 1998 when innapropiate words were said to me by a GP I have always had a recording device turned on so after this threat was given I drove to the head quarters of our local newspaper and played the tape to them. They published and the 'specialist' was dealt with. 

      I still gave Tramadol a try,having been assured that they weren't addictive and I was reasonably ain free

  • Posted

    If you've found two half finished emails from me,Les,it's because I'm using my Ipad and it seems to be having withdrawal effects too. 

    If your GP continues to give you repeat prescriptions for 100 Tramadol then I think thepharmacist may put in a complaint.

    It doesn't matter if your surgery is working flat out. There's no reason for you to suffer. I can't make you, I can only give you my informed opinion. I will be needing proper pain relief because now that I've managed to reduce the Tramadol,obviously,I'm in a great deal of pain. I've been given Amitriptyline 20mg at night to help with the pain and also the difficulty sleeping so maybe you should write that name down and Google it and make a DOUBLE appointment to see your GP so that you have plenty of time with him. I hate to think of you struggling simply because your practise can't organise their surgery. Grrrrr. I hope everything works out for you. 

    Best regards

    Tuddy Pud. She was my little cat. 

  • Posted

    it has affected my sleep during the day i thought may be narco leepsy but they have put me into the respiratory clinic and sleep clinic

    i am sleeping a extra 6 hours each day . tried down to 1 tried with drawal etc etc

    will let you all know when they get me to hospital if it ever happens

    Also i have to take 2 sleeping pills to get to sleep at night did a chart for Dr etc etc etc will let you all know

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