Tramadol medication

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Hi all, i have been prescribed tramadol 50mg capsules for severe lower back pain. I am to take 1 every 4 hours, however this really isn't doing much for me now so i have been taking 2 every four hours, even during the night as i wake up in pain. After medicating with different pain reliefs, tramadol works best and my doctor knows this now, but has continued to prescribe me 1 every 4 hours. What can i do/say to up the dosage and maybe even give me stronger tablets such as the 100mg tramadol. Does anyone have any advice for me going to see the doctor tomorrow. Thanks

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11 Replies

  • Posted


    i too am taking tramadol ( Zaldiar)  for back pain 

    do you know why you have back pain ? 

    i was sent for a scan .. to hear I had three bulging disks and liver tumours ..

    ummmm scary or what 

    jay x

    • Posted

      oh and forgot to mention ... a rash appeared on my butt 6 weeks later after all the pain and thats shingles 

      jay x

    • Posted

      I am due to be going for some therapy, but haven't heard anything since i was sent a form to complete and send back, will have to check again tomorrow as i should have been referred to see a specialist by now
  • Posted

    You could say, "While you sleep peacefully at night, I am not. My pain has reached intolerable levels and 1 pill every 4 hours at this dosage is not helping like it did at first. My daily quality of life has steadily lowered. Please up my dosage. "

    Hope some part of this helps.

    Good luck!

    💛 Dawn, USA

    • Posted

      oh Dawn

      i wish ' i slept peacefully at night ' i hardly sleep at all 

      jay x

    • Posted

      So sorry you suffer so. Make sure you make the comparison between the doctor sleeping well and you are not. It brings your point clearly to his/her attention.
    • Posted

      Hi again, thanks for your replies. Unfortunately i didn't even get to that point, i was rudely cut off as told that i'm asking too early and that tramadol is highly addictive, basically the GP said it's tough. I wont be given any for another week and then they will see about upping my dosage. I was at a loss for words to tell you the truth, i get like that easily.
    • Posted

      When people in the medical profession behave in this manner, it ANGERS me! Throw a fit! Change doctors! We are our only advocate, and we live inside our bodies no one else and YOU are the MOST IMPORTANT part of your medical team, which gives you a vote in decisions. In fact your vote weighs heavily since you are the one who has to live with the consequences of every decision made. I feel angry, can you tell?😡

      I do understand all too well becoming speechless and feeling run over.

      Am with you in Spirit...

      💛 Dawn, USA

  • Posted

    I was diagnosed with gallstones at Christmas. Have had several attacks since. On 3 or 4 occasions a doctor has given me tramadol by injection.

    To be honest I find Cocodamol 30 and Ibuprofen are both better for the pain than tramadol. The stronger Cocodamol (30) you can only get on prescription and you have to let surgery know when you want more because they are not allowed to put them on repeat prescription. I was surprised to discover you can actually take Ibuprofen as well as Cocodamol.

    Go to GP and ask for CoCodamol 30. The other thing you need (which I am really lucky to have) is a good local chemist who you can trust.

    Hope everything settles down.


  • Posted

    Hi I will advice you not to take too many pain killers us I've been taken 4 different pain killers is distroying my lifestyle trust me stick to the one you on don't higher the medcein if you really can't take the pain you can ask your doctor to give you codeine phosphate 30mg just to top up with tramadol and keep me update how it goes take care 

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