Tramadol slow release

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hi there my mother in law has been taking 4 tramadol and 4 paracetmol for over 10 years now due to her fibromyalgia. But the last few days the doctors have put her on the 50mg slow release tramadol but since taking this medication she has been awful and sometimes not even getting out of bed which is not her at all. Please can someone tell me if these tablets take a certain time to actually get into your system or if she will feel any better soon

thank you

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24 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry Mary I have no experience of slow release Tramadol - I didn't even know it existed and I am wondering what the benefit of slow release is?

    regards Richard

  • Posted

    Hi richard thanks for the reply . The doctor told her to ccome off the tramadol as they are causing cardio vascular disease as she has been on them so long and these slow release ones are suppose to b better and you cNt get addicted to these as they dont give you the buzz that the normal tramadol do
  • Posted

    Sadly I find Tramadol the only effective pain relief for neuropathy in my feet so I am stuck with it!
  • Posted

    If my sums are right then your mum would have been taking 200mg a day and now is only taking 59mg a day. That is a huge reduction and she could be in withdrawal which is nasty I've been there!! I would speak with her doctor something sounds wrong Jo x
    • Posted

      Hi jo thanks for the reply i said exactly the same and the doc said she was just starting on a low dose first so i think shes just testing the water to see how she gets on. I was wondering if anyone new if it takes a certain amount of time to actually kick in. Beacause she said shes goin to carry on just a little lomger and if nothing happens then she will go back to the normal tramadol
    • Posted

      Hi Mary

      it does sound like slight withdrawal. The dose will work the first day but if it is a lot less than she was taking then she will feel withdrawal symptoms. I didn't like the extended release becauseI I felt it took the power of only taking them when I needed them away from me. In hindsight though they may have been better because I ended up addicted to them!! Which is how I know about the horrible withdrawal!! Xx

  • Posted

    Hello. I have taken extended release Tramadol before. They come in 100,200 & 300mg tabs. If Im reading correctly, your Mom was on 4-50 mg tabs. So thats 200 mg a day. Look @ her prescription bottle. It should say how much the mg's are. It's releasing it slowly thrue the day. I think its every 12 hrs. If so she needs to take it that way. She might be getting a little medication adjustment sickness. It should get better after 5-6 days but talk to a pharmacist an ask these questions. I hope she gets to feeling better. Im in Texas,U.S. also watch out for a little depression until use to new dosage. Tramadol increases serotonin production or availability so dont let her take any antidepressant or over counter products like St.John's Wart,etc. Risk of Serotonin Syndrome. Look it up on internet. Exercise an get mind off medication an stay hydrated.


    • Posted

      Hi zoe thanks for your reply she has made an appointment now with her doctor now on tuesday as that would be 8 days she has been taking it.
  • Posted

    Hi maryhow mean does you mum take at atime because you can cut it down and take paracetamol with it.
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      Hi mick she takes 1 every 12 hours but inbetwwen if shes in pain she yakes 2 zapain which take the edge of the pain a little
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  • Posted

    I didn't even know that you can get slow release tablets!? How many is she taking? If it is less that 200 mg she could be in withdrawal. And why did he changed her meds after 10 years!? 
    • Posted

      I agree that it sounds like withdrawal. A drop of 150mg daily is a ridiculous amount especially after that length of time. I tapered off tramadol and it was a horrible experience.
    • Posted

      I've tried....again, slow withdrawal, even opening the tablet up and dividing the powder! Because of stresses in my life at the moment I've just given up yesterday and gone back on 6x50g tabs a day! I hate this drug so much and hope to try and ween off again soon. The withdrawals are horrendous! :-(
    • Posted

      hi ruth the doctor said about changing as she has been on them for so long but the doc also said to go back if she hasnt had Ny luck with them but she is carrying on for the time being to see if they do actually make her abit better if not she will have to go back onto the normL tramadol
    • Posted

      Hi this might help when i was not taking them i took codine it took the edge of it.
    • Posted

      They are awful I went through the week from hell!! Nights were the worst with restless everything. One night I took so many sleeping tablets my husband says I ran a bath at 3 in the morning, I can't even remember and apparently when I did sleep I was screaming and thrashing about. Honestly what a state to get in!! Glad to be tramadol and zopiclone free. Just the diazepam to go and a just want rid of that as well but the doctor is insisting on a slow taper. 
    • Posted

      Yes, my Doctor suggested replacing 3 tabs daily with codine. I did try but found this too quick. I might try again, but introducing codine slowly. The only worry is Codine is still an opiate. Will that too by hard to quit!?
    • Posted

      I really do hope you will be free from Diazepam. Another addictive drug! I just wished I never started any of these drugs! I know I will have to try and withdraw soon. Even taking 6x50g a day is not enough to feel "normal" and I don't want to up the dose. I still feel withdrawals on 6 Trams daily! And I don't want to replace Trams with any other drug. I to have given up the Diazepam last year. xx
    • Posted

      Time and patience until the nervous system turns back to normal! Hope she succeeds! x
    • Posted

      Hi Ruth I hope you're feeling ok. Out of interest how did you give up the diazepam did you take it really slowly. Have looked at the Ashton manual and if I follow that it will take me forever! X
    • Posted

      When I was Taking Dias I wasn't taking them everyday and I think because of the Tramadol they were easy for me to give up. So I sort of went from one drug to another! But Tramadol are a different story! That's why I don't want to go from Trams to another opiate. I've been on codine 30g and Co-Codamol 30/500 for years! Haven't heared of the Ashton manual, will look at that. I think the longer you have been on these drugs the longer your nervous system has to repair. I can recommend a great website and book that I'm reading at the moment. It's by Baylissa Frederick called Recovery and Renewal. Her website is Recovery Road and her Facebook page is Bloom in Wellness. She to has been on these drugs and understands the chemestry and withdrawals. I really recommend you Google this one. Hope all go well with you xx

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