Tramadol withdrawal

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I'm on my 3rd day of withdrawing off this nasty drug! I have been taking Trams for 4 yrs for Fibromyalgia. I tried weening off this drug last year by dropping 1x50g tab a month (was on 8 a day) It took me 5 months to get to 3x50g them the withdrawal started. Restless legs, sweats, shakes, headaches , nightmares, stomach cramps, insomnia, so I went straight back up to 5 x 50g to feel normal again. 3 days ago I have gone "cold turkey" having weened down to 3x50g. I have same symptoms as above and cannot stop crying! This is a very nasty drug and should be taken off the market, sorry, but that is my opinion. They are great when you take them, I felt wonderful, holding a full time job down, feel full of energy, but it's not natrual, it's drug induced! I'm praying as I have a long road ahead of me and being 55yrs old feel this is going to take at least 2yrs to feel normal again! I can't wait! I'm praying to God for help xx

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Dont despair!

    It took me ages to wean off this drug.

    Yes it was great when i needed it for pain and I ve been tempted to use again as Im having big issues with my back now but no way do I want to risk going back through withdrawal again.

    I found that extremely slow process of dose reduction was necessary and some days I had to go back up and then try again after another few days.

    Probably took 6mths to get completely off the tramadol all together.

    Dont get too disheartened it will happen xx

  • Posted

    Hello Ruth.

    My withdrawal symptons were the same as yours but the worst of them lasted just 3 weeks. I'm wondering if the Amitriptyline tablets 20 mg at night that my GP prescribed to aid me with the symptons and the pain helped me more than I actually thought. It helps with sleep too and now after 4 weeks the 'drugged' feeling has worn off! No,I know. My body has adapted. 

    You see,Ruth,the thing we all have in common is that we are in constant severe pain. When one takes Tramadol that pain is diminished considerably and as our illness is never going to get better I felt cross that having been forced to take Tramadol and found that it and the systemic steroid injection gave me back my life,'they' are now depriving me of all but 3 x 50mg. I have to have pain relief as do you. Fibromyalgia is a damnable illness and the most painful of things. Would you mind saying why you tried to stop taking Tramadol previously when they were of such help to you? You see,so many people have to rely on some form of medication to live some kind of a normal life, does it really matter if it's not natural? It's not natural to have our babies innoculated against Polio,Typhoid,measles,diptheria,whooping cough etc,etc,etc but would you have us go back to Victorian times? People are living longer now and that is,amongst many other things,because our medication and health advisors are so much improved.  That phrase you used....drug induced. Your ability to hold down a job and do all the things that you are entitled to do as a human being was simply because you were not in too much pain! Not drug induced,Ruth. Just a pain killer. Stronger than Paracetamol but not in the Morphine block. Because it isn't an opiate,you know! It's not natural you say! Any surgery or dentistry isn't normal. Where are we going to start drawing a line? Was it hurting you to take the Tramadol for your Fibromyalgia? How will you cope with the pain when you are Tramadol free. If that sounds offensive then please believe that it's not meant to be. 

    I was furious at being told I was a drug addict because I took te Tramadol 

    • Posted

      Hi Tuddy Pud.....I will reply, but a the moment I'm still so dazed and suffering with restless legs and can't think straight! I'm starting 4 withdrawal day. I don't want to upset anyone as I love all people.

      God bless, will speak soon as my mind is not thinking straight at moment lol xxx

    • Posted

      My typing keeps disappearing. I don't know if my previous message got through to you so here ges again........restless legs. Horrid. Can you take two Paracetamol or Solpadine? It's responds to a pain killer because it's a pain. Walking around helps too but sometimes,if it wakes you up in the night,you don't want to walk about. Please be kind to yourself,Ruth. I feel for you very much because I hate it when a fellow creature is suffering. Hugs.
  • Posted

    Hello Ruth.

    My withdrawal symptons were the same as yours but the worst of them lasted just 3 weeks. I'm wondering if the Amitriptyline tablets 20 mg at night that my GP prescribed to aid me with the symptons and the pain helped me more than I actually thought. It helps with sleep too and now after 4 weeks the 'drugged' feeling has worn off! No,I know. My body has adapted. 

    You see,Ruth,the thing we all have in common is that we are in constant severe pain. When one takes Tramadol that pain is diminished considerably and as our illness is never going to get better I felt cross that having been forced to take Tramadol and found that it and the systemic steroid injection gave me back my life,'they' are now depriving me of all but 3 x 50mg. I have to have pain relief as do you. Fibromyalgia is a damnable illness and the most painful of things. Would you mind saying why you tried to stop taking Tramadol previously when they were of such help to you? You see,so many people have to rely on some form of medication to live some kind of a normal life, does it really matter if it's not natural? It's not natural to have our babies innoculated against Polio,Typhoid,measles,diptheria,whooping cough etc,etc,etc but would you have us go back to Victorian times? People are living longer now and that is,amongst many other things,because our medication and health advisors are so much improved.  That phrase you used....drug induced. Your ability to hold down a job and do all the things that you are entitled to do as a human being was simply because you were not in too much pain! Not drug induced,Ruth. Just a pain killer. Stronger than Paracetamol but not in the Morphine block. Because it isn't an opiate,you know! It's not natural you say! Any surgery or dentistry isn't normal. Where are we going to start drawing a line? Was it hurting you to take the Tramadol for your Fibromyalgia? How will you cope with the pain when you are Tramadol free. If that sounds offensive then please believe that it's not meant to be. 

    I was furious at being told I was a drug addict because I took the Tramadol they prescribed. I have two types of arthritis and Ankelosing Spondilitis so I am always going to need a quite strong pain killer and without pain relief I don't think I will want to face the world.. I feel terrible anger that so many people in need are being put through all this simply because some one decided to change Tramadol to a class C drug. They obviously don't have any loved ones living with a painful illness.  It won't take as long as two years to feel clear of Tramadol so don't feel worry about that. Where did you get that information from? A friend? 

    Please do answer my questions,won't you? It's all very well taking Traadol away but what "non addictive" pain relef are we going to have instead?

    very best wishes

    tuddy Pud.ccc

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      Sorry, I meant to write my reply to Tuddy Pud, but did it to ruth86511 by mistake. I sympathise with ruth86511 but totaly agree with Tuddy Pud
  • Posted

    yes it makes me sleep for 4-5 hours each day . 2- x50 a night i have to hve for my pain told dr and all that have been booked into respiratory and sleep clinic

    best of luck and it is a dreadful one peter

  • Posted

    A couple of weeks ago I started a thread  In Defence of Tramadol, and judging by the responses I was beginning to think I was alone in my opinions. I agree with all you say, I have thought about "what if I am or become dependent on them"? and have come to the conclusion,...."so what". Life with them is relatively pain free and life without them is at times unbearable.

    A drug induced (if that's the right word) "normal..ish" life is far more desireable than a drug free highly restricted one.

    I often wonder, before the days of readily affordable pain killers, how on earth did people who suffered high levels of pain cope, did they just become a burden on those around then?, did they just lose the will to live and exit stage left?.

    Let's not return to that life,...this one has to be better

    • Posted

      At last! Some one who also sees both sides of the coin! Let us struggle on alone..........because every one else will be in too much pain to join us. 😏. But seriously,this is outrageous and as we're not a 'free' country the complete truth of this ,well scandal,for want of a better word, may never be fully told. I certainly have never heard any mention of it in the press. Have you?
  • Posted

    Dear Ruth I have recently come off trauma doll successfully I had been on it for 9 months100 Mgs 3 times a day it mucked up my sleep I was on quit impinge for sleep after 6 weeks of tring other meds I was given olanzapin to sleep which worked were all different I'm not saying it's right for you keep on to your gp to sort you out that's what they are paid to do I'm sucessfully clear now good luck 

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