Tramadol withdrawal

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I just wanted to jump on here and tell my experience of withdrawing from Tramadol. I was taking 15-18 50 mg pills a day x about 8 years. I recently ran out and was not able to get more so I decided it was time to stop. That was five days ago now and I have to say that I have not experienced even half the withdrawals as people have said I would. I was scared to death given what I had read about this so I was prepared for the worst. The worst thing for me is the insomnia - I got no sleep at all the first two nights- then the third a couple of hours but last night I got about six hours. I have only experienced some diarhea, excessive sneezing, some sweating and what I would call mild flu like symptoms. So if you're thinking of going cold turkey consider this- everyone reacts differently- don't assume that you will have the same withdrawals as someone else. Yours may not be as severe as others.

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8 Replies

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    Hi Pat, yesyou are rightin what you say.Everyone experiences different side effects.They are a brilliant tablet yet so easily to. I am more alert in mself and dont have that gazed expression on my face. I guess i am thinking clearer and also i suppose the parts of my brain i de sensitized over the years emotionally are returning. Its not that i couldnt show emotion i guess i just believed the tramadol would stop me from getting down over issues that most may find easy to handle i started when i was 40 on the tablets and now im 50.Restless leg is bad or has been but that has subsided. i hope in time i feel how i should. I am generally a happy person and i wanna stay that way.I just want people to know ive been there. when you panick not having any tramadol or running out you know you are getting addicted or should. good luck and i hope everything goes ok with you. xx
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      Sorry if I over read it, but how long have you been off this horrific monster?

      Do you have any tips or advice?

    • Posted

      Hi i have been off them for over 17 Days. I was addicted, couldnt live without them seriously They chilled me, made me feel good. I experienced the restless leg thing, the insomnia, sweats, cold like symptoms. It was horrific. Blood pressure tablets stopped me from having the side effects.
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    What about during the a.m hours, did you experience that anxious feeling associated with some wierd chills?

    That's my worst during the morning when i experience the anxiety.

    But honestly i have to see it through.

    I'm tired of stressing when i know that i will not have anymore supply or that it has gone low.

    Did anyone experience the anxiety?

    I don't want to go see any one for the anxiety, I just want to see through alone, meaning no more RX.

  • Posted

    Hi pat i just thought id share my story quickly. I was on 8 50mg a day for 3 years. After going to the walk in centre at the weekend to get emergency supply, went to docs to renew my prescription. Docs stopped my meds straight away. I went cold turkey. It was horrible. Id been on the net and really got me scared. I had horrible insomnia. Still get the sneezes but thats easy to deal with. Moral of the story don't take everything u read on the net as gospel. Iv been a month with out and Tramerdol and i feel better than i did before. Hope this helped. And keep up the good work
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    Also just a quick one. The restless leg i found went after about a week.
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    Sorry you ran out. Just wanted to add something in case others are reading this to find out about going cold turkey.

    It is important to wean doses rather than going cold turkey. Glad people here did not experience truly terrible withdrawal experiences. For anyone else who reads this, it could happen. 

    Tramadol not only binds to specific opioid receptors for pain relief, it also inhibits the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine, like antidepressants/anxiolytics, thereby increasing energy and well-being. Opiate withdrawal is hard enough by itself but then combined with withdrawal from psychoactive medication, it's worse. Withdrawal lasts about 3 days from opiates. Lasts about a week with the lack of the psychoactive portion of the medication that changes brain chemistry.

    Any doctor should also know that if one is already on antidepressants, then adding tramadol at high doses could lead to seizures.

  • Posted

    Coming off of Tramadol is extremely tough.  The withdrawals are horrible, and they last for weeks.  But it is possible to stop taking it for good.  I was dumb enough to do it twice.  The only way to come off of Tramadol is to slowly taper off a little at a time.  If you have withdrawals, coming off cold turkey feels nearly impossible.  One of the worst withdrawals is the extreme restlessness, making it nearly impossible to sleep for weeks.  Tramadol stays in your system for a long time.  You will need to taper off slowly until you are down to a half a pill a day.  Then you may need to take that 1/2 pill for over a week until you are albe to come off it 100% and not have bad withdrawal symtems.  Or you can see how long you can eventually go without taking a pill, and then only take a 1/2 pill when you feel the withdrawal systems coming back.  Again, tramadol stays in your system a long time.  This is not a quick process, but I promise, it's doable! 

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