Tramadol withdrawal, please help

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I'm 17 years old, 5'2, 145 lbs, I've been trying prescription pills since I was 14, but never been hooked on anything like this. I'm from the States but currently residing in Mexico, the first time I tried tramadol I was 14. I loved them, but only tried them because of a friend, so I didn't have enough to get addicted. February this year I found out they're legal here and can be found easily in any pharmacy. I've been hooked on them daily since then and have been taking up to 300 - 350 MG a day. Mexico's drugs aren't nearly as potent as the ones in the states, and I quit on Saturday, I took 200 mg. 

Today is day 3 for me and I'm feeling much better already, the electric shocks and dizziness aren't as occasional and I can eat now. I've been drinking 2 liters a day and exercising a bit so I can be tired enough to sleep, but it doesn't help me at all. It's my second night with no sleep and I'm scared of whats to come. It's currently 5 am and I had about 2 hours of sleep, 3 hours the night before. I experience horrible nightmares in my hours of sleep. I also have this hot/cold sensation, with sweating.

I don't have access to any benzo drugs that would help me sleep, if anyone going through this could please give me advice on how to get more sleep? I'm feeling much more alive than before, I forgot what it was like to actually see clearly

I've also noticed I've been developing the flu, I read that tramadol withdrawal can also cause this

My best friend is going through the same thing, we both started the same time and are around thee same height and weight, we're the same age, and our last day was on saturday, tho she took 300 mg. She can't sleep either, and we're both just as bad. I notice I can put up with the symptoms in the day time but at night I'm just so tired and can't sleep, I'm so uncomfortable, please help me, will this get any better anytime soon?

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25 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm sure that some people would disagree with me, so take this with a grain of salt.  I started taking cannabis at the same time that I stopped using tramadol, which was last Saturday.  Both were for chronic pain and both did diddly-squat.  But I do believe the cannabis has made my transition from tramadol much easier.  I'm usually quite sensitive to these things.  I hesitate to even reply because I am not a medical professional, nor am I an expert on drug abuse.  I can only share my experience.
  • Posted

    Absolutley, Cannabis will help the anxiety greatly, and the restless legs, and the nausea. It will give you back an appetite, which in itself is a gret help. But it is an illegal drug, and so cannot be advised on using this forums, I believe. Rather than prompting a whole legalise cannabis disscussion, I think it best simply to state, yes, it would help - as does methadone when used with supervision. Things that also help that are not potential problems in themselves are epsom salts baths, loads of vitamin c, and extra vitamin B12, multi vitamins, immodium, rehydration salts. The best cure is healthy food and time. TIME will do it. All the other things any of us can mention are to help ease the symptoms as time does the job. 
    • Posted

      smile Hello <3 thank you all for your support, it means a great deal to me, you have no idea. i'm feeling a lot better today, i actually slept 6 hours with no problems! i've found recognition and support in myself. i love myself now. the only thing that is still bothering me are the electric light-headedness i feel for a split second. i hate that the most. i still have restless leg syndrome. can't really eat much because it grosses me out, but i am way better than before. sleep doesn't come that easy, my 6 hours of sleep were not heavy sleep at all, but it's progress, and that's something, because the night before i got 4 hours and they were all separated and uncomfortable. 

      today i woke up at 6 am completely restless and i feel really dizzy but it was not like yesterday at all. yesterday i felt terrible i forced myself up, instantly got in the shower, cried, i felt like sh*t. 

      oh and cannabis really does help. i find indica actually helps my heart rate settle to its normal rythmn. my heart rate is better too, actually, i checked it yesterday and it's 70-80 now. smile 

      i drink a lot of orange juice, take painkillers (kind of like aspirin not like vicodin or anything), and i've been taking baths lately. i find that when i'm in cold water i feel normal. thank="" you="" all="" for="" your="" support,="" it="" means="" a="" great="" deal="" to="" me,="" you="" have="" no="" idea.="" i'm="" feeling="" a="" lot="" better="" today,="" i="" actually="" slept="" 6="" hours="" with="" no="" problems!="" i've="" found="" recognition="" and="" support="" in="" myself.="" i="" love="" myself="" now.="" the="" only="" thing="" that="" is="" still="" bothering="" me="" are="" the="" electric="" light-headedness="" i="" feel="" for="" a="" split="" second.="" i="" hate="" that="" the="" most.="" i="" still="" have="" restless="" leg="" syndrome.="" can't="" really="" eat="" much="" because="" it="" grosses="" me="" out,="" but="" i="" am="" way="" better="" than="" before.="" sleep="" doesn't="" come="" that="" easy,="" my="" 6="" hours="" of="" sleep="" were="" not="" heavy="" sleep="" at="" all,="" but="" it's="" progress,="" and="" that's="" something,="" because="" the="" night="" before="" i="" got="" 4="" hours="" and="" they="" were="" all="" separated="" and="" uncomfortable. ="" today="" i="" woke="" up="" at="" 6="" am="" completely="" restless="" and="" i="" feel="" really="" dizzy="" but="" it="" was="" not="" like="" yesterday="" at="" all.="" yesterday="" i="" felt="" terrible="" i="" forced="" myself="" up,="" instantly="" got="" in="" the="" shower,="" cried,="" i="" felt="" like="" sh*t. ="" oh="" and="" cannabis="" really="" does="" help.="" i="" find="" indica="" actually="" helps="" my="" heart="" rate="" settle="" to="" its="" normal="" rythmn.="" my="" heart="" rate="" is="" better="" too,="" actually,="" i="" checked="" it="" yesterday="" and="" it's="" 70-80="" now.="" smile ="" i="" drink="" a="" lot="" of="" orange="" juice,="" take="" painkillers="" (kind="" of="" like="" aspirin="" not="" like="" vicodin="" or="" anything),="" and="" i've="" been="" taking="" baths="" lately.="" i="" find="" that="" when="" i'm="" in="" cold="" water="" i="" feel="">

      today i woke up at 6 am completely restless and i feel really dizzy but it was not like yesterday at all. yesterday i felt terrible i forced myself up, instantly got in the shower, cried, i felt like sh*t. 

      oh and cannabis really does help. i find indica actually helps my heart rate settle to its normal rythmn. my heart rate is better too, actually, i checked it yesterday and it's 70-80 now. smile 

      i drink a lot of orange juice, take painkillers (kind of like aspirin not like vicodin or anything), and i've been taking baths lately. i find that when i'm in cold water i feel normal.>

    • Posted

      I was thinking about you a few days ago, I am so relieved you are feeling better!  Each day should be a little better, you can do it! Finding what works for you is great, I am really proud of you!  Take care, girl!
    • Posted

      I have been greatly helped with the restless legs by taking iron - ferrous Fumerate - and vitamin B12 and lots of estra vitamin c. I am now able to sleep most of a night and the waking up is not as torurous as before. I can get up and do a few leg stretches and go back to sleep. For me, the iron worked the very first night. My doc put me on it even though my iron blood levels are normal. He said it has been shown to help restless legs to have a higher amout of iron. It is working for me. 
  • Posted

    Wow! You cold turkeyed from 300!

    That's amazing. I have lots of ideas, 

    but if sleep is your only problem, I'd

    give it a few more days.

    Have you tried MELATONIN? It's natural

    and healthy. Also GABA is a natural 

    stress relief. They may help with sleep.

    Good luck! (Benadryl helps with sleep,

    but it can become addictive.) 

  • Posted

    Hi I see it was over a year you posted this but I'm going through withdrawal at the moment and I feel so useless how long did your withdrawal symptoms last? Thank you

    • Posted

      Im currently into my 7th day of no tramadol. I just woke up soaked from night sweats and restless legs. I saw you just posted this so I thought I would reply.
    • Posted

      Heidi Sorry to butt in, but wanted to say that my symptoms lessened around day 8 and by a week and a half I was hardly having any.  You should be doing well soon.  

      Abby...don't give up.  What day are you on?  I think it was about day 3 that I got really bad, and then week and a half when it was pretty over.  I think it peaked for me at day 4.

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