Tranexamic Acid???
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I'm 13 years old and started my periods nearly 2 years ago but after 20 months my periods still hadn't settled down. I used to come on sometimes after a few days it had just finished and the very heavy bleeding usually lasted from the first day to 2 days before it finished, and seeing that my periods lasted 7-9 days, sometimes even 11, loose a lot of blood. I went to the doctor in June as I had started to faint randomly without any warning at school, but the worst happened 2 months ago when I blacked out at the top of the stairs and fell all the way down bruising my back. My mum took me to the doctor and she suggested a blood test to check it wasn't iron-deficiency anaemia causing the dizzy spells and black-outs. A week later, I went back and found out that my iron levels were very low and I was prescribed iron tablets for 3 months. I took one twice a day and although I regularly had to reduce the intake from 2 tablets a day to 1 a day and even then to 1 every other day, as they caused me to have constipation, then diarrhoea and often stomach cramps and nausea, I kept going . I went back to the doctors yesterday to have another blood test and will get the results tomorrow or the day after. But the doctor prescribed me tranexamic acid to take 3 a day during my period only. But from what the other posts say on this page, many have been taking TA when not on periods:?:
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I took them for the first time last week and my period, which normally can run for about 8 days , lasted 4. In the first two days I normally have to wear tampons and towels and have to changed every hour, but this time it was nowhere near as often. I was really surprised by the difference they made.
The down side is that they did make me feel a little queasy and although I didn't have diarrhoea, I felt the way you do when you're going to have it. That said, I think its worth putting up with a couple of days feeling queasy than getting caught short when I'm out and having to restrict my life because of my periods. I exercise and swim 3 times a week and used to have to miss out on the week of my period, now I can go all the time.
I've gotta take 6. :O
I tried mefenamic acid but they put me in even more pain from periods