tranexamic acid
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I have been taking tranexamic acid since October 2008. I take 3 (500 mg) tablets 4 times a day. I have not had bad side effects -indijestion mostly - I just hate taking so many tablets. I have suffered continuous sometimes very heavy bleeding for a couple of years. I take a good food supplement and 3 iron (food state so they don't constipate) tablets each day. The tranexamic acid stops the bleeding and after a week or so free from bleeding I reduce the dose and then stop it altogether. I then have a fairly normal period which if it does not stop after 8 days I start taking the tranexamic acid again, I also start taking the tranexamic acid again if the bleeding gets too scary and it usually normalises or stops within 3 days. I have spoken to a friend who helped developed this drug and he says that it is very well tested and has been around for a long time. The alternative for me is depo-provera injections - bad indijestion or loss of calcium and maybe weight gain - maybe I'll stick with the acid!
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i am on depo provera injection and for three months i have been having light period. i was prescribed tranexamic acid by my gp, but was afraid to use the medicine bcos of side effect. could anyone advice me if this medicine is safe to use. thanks
I would give it a go; not everyone get the side effects, if you do then stop it but you have nothing to loss but try it first, this has to be better than horrid heavy periods doesn't it? :?:
I spoke a few months later to nurse and she said try again the 2nd jab might stop the bleeding.
Did the first jab and same again, went back 3 months later for second and still same till it came out my system.
I won't have it again.
Not everyone reacts the same to the depo, so i wouldn't rule it out if you've not tried it, i know plenty of women on it and also my daughter who only get slight spotting when next jab is due or none at all.
I didn't gain weight and neither did my daughter.
I am now on Tranexamic, first time i have used it as my monthlys are like someones turned a tap on!!!
Hoping it does me some good a same happened to my Mum and hse had a hysterectomy at 39, i am 36.
Fingers crossed it does the job!!