tranexamic acid
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I have just been to see my Gynea consultant today who has perscribed me tranexamic acid tablets 2 , 3 times a day for 10 days each month. Does anyone else take them for that long and if so do you know why? I am suffereing with heavey periods and very bad pain which I take mefenamic acid for - are the two ok to take. I'm 39 and too young for any kind of surgerey but very down about my situation which has been like this for 3 years with no real explanaition apaprt from \" disfunctional Hormaones \" i.e. I have no fibroids or endemetrioses. Any advice would be really helpful
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I must say I came across this site looking for reasons why it isn't something I should do long term (I like the fact you can take it or not, depending on what's going on in life). So far I haven't found any suggestion of negative consequences from long term use but perhaps it hasn't been used for this purpose for long enough for the studies to be done. (I see the FDA in the US only approved it for menstrual bleeding this month).
All the best to everyone.
I am 47 years old and have been noticing changes in my periods over the last 2 - 3 years. I always got my period every 30 days and they were always bang on time. Then things started to change and they became more frequent and lighter but only lasted a few days, then they changed and I was getting a period every couple of weeks. I never knew where I was up to. !!! Then they kinda went back to every 30 ish days for a bit,
I got my period on queue on the 30th January this year and I have been bleeding continuously ever since !!!!! It has been a mixture of fairly heavy to just light but continuous bleeding. Then oh my god they just got heavier and heavier with clots and me needing to wear Super Tampax and a pad and I had to change every 45 mins and I was already leaking through. I have felt so awful !! my iron has been low so I am now on Iron supplements, my blood pressure has been low too and it has been a struggle just to function on a day to day basis.
I have recentley had an ultrasound scan which showed a biggish cyst on my right ovary and a small fybroid. I have been referred to a gynaechologist, but in the meantime had to go to my Doctor today as bleeding was horrendous and I had to go home from work, my appt with Gynae is on 25th April, so the Doctor has put me on TA and signed ne off work for 10 days. I am also not keen on taking tablets would rather let things take their course naturally, but this is affecting my life and everything so much that I am willing to give it a go. :-) Sorry this is such a long post but hope other people out there can relate to it. Why do we have to go through all this its not NORMAL to bleed continually, its almost 3 months for me now and enough is enough
linda33333 Mishy