Tranexamic Acid. Prescribed after having Depo Provera Shot
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I was prescribed these tablets 4 weeks after receiving the injection as i had been bleeding for 18 days non stop. Not too sure whether these will help to stop it. Has anyone else been prescribed them for this reason :?
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My GP prescribed this and mefenamic acid, and they definetely work great, but I had to stop taking the mefenamic acid as it was giving me terribly aggonising abdominal pains.
Yes, I too had the depo provera injection and bled for 3 weeks non-stop, then went on to the tranexamic acid tablets and my periods have stopped altogether with no side effects!!
I have trouble with heavy periods and anemia, and so went to the doctors to get the shot. NEVER AGAIN! Afterwards, I'd been bleeding lightly, sometimes a little heavier for 3 weeks straight, and it ruined my sex life. The boyfriend says he didn't mind but hey, you know what guys are like. Anyway the doc prescribed me some tranexamic acid, 2 - 3 times a day, and at first they didn't seem to be working. Well today's the 4th day, the tablets have run out, and I've stopped bleeding. *Yay!*
Although I do have some pelvic pain which I'm concerned about. It feels like if I have sex, I might come on my period, or start bleeding again.
Anyone have any advice or had a similar experience?
reneejones Guest
I know I'm about 7 years late but this is my same exact situation! Long periods, depo shot due to 2 months of bleeding then 3 weeks of heavy bleeding which all ruined my sex life as well. This was followed by starting the lysteda pills 1 day ago. I'm probably jumping the gun but it doesn't seem to be working sonyour post gave me hope.
Wow I dont feel so isolated reading your stories.
My experience was similar, although I was prescribed Provera Tablets, the bleeding lasted 43 days, and I ended up having 2 blood transfusions and in hospital for 4 days.
My periods are awful. I pass clots the size of grapefruits and I am literally housebound for 3-4 days. I must wear 2 pads and a tampon which I change every 30 mins if I am to leave the house so I dont bleed through.
I have always had bad periods lasting 7-8 days however the last 2 years its been worse. The blood is also bright red.
I have had NOTHING work, and I am not old enough to be considered for a hysterectomy. I have yet to have children and honestly will give that choice up for a peaceful, healthy existence, but the Doctors dont want to do that - perhaps they are scared I will sue them.
Anyway Tran Acid Tabs work after 3-4 days for me, however I feel like CRAP on them!
I am not keen on the Mirena Coil after my Doctors horror stories with her own patients. And my experience with synthetic hormones, my body just does not take well to them.
I have adenomyosis which is a form of endometriosis, so that is the only explination I get in regards to why my periods are like this.
However tests show I have no progesterone. I have yet to have a Dr or Gyno explain to me WHY that is.
I am so frustrated with this part of my life. It is so deblilitating! And I find it hard for Doctors (even after my bleed out experience) to actually take it seriously - I feel that they feel I am melodramatic over a \"period\".
faye59601 tracey
karen42074 tracey