trans male w surgical menopause
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I'm a 19 heard old trans man who's recently had a full hysterectomy by laparotomy. I am finally resting from the bothers of a c-section but now I've started to actually feel the effects of menopause and I am at complete loss.
The hot flashes are horrible. I get them maybe 20 times a day and there's no way to calm them down. they are accompanied by sharp chest pain and fast breathing, and I cannot for the life of me find anything about that. It feels like I'm having an anxiety episode, twenty times a day. I wasn't really warned about this at all and I don't know what else I'm missing, or what's to come. I also suffer from a major depressive disorder, and I had been moderately good until now; I've had a really bad mood fall these last weeks. It's making it hard to cope.
I've read that surgical menopause lasts until its normal age of decline, is that true? is there anything I can do to calm these symptoms? I'm barely managing and I have so little information, I'd love some experiences from other people.
Thank you and please have a good day!
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susane84679 etgar
I Don't understand your post at all! are you saying you're a woman turned man or vice versa? I'm not being rude, I just don't understand how, if you're a male turned female, you could possibly be in menapause. And I'm not sure how it works if it's the other way. I'm not judging either way, just trying to understand your post...
etgar susane84679
I'm a man! Some trans people dislike the concept of being "born this and then turned that" because for them they were always as they are now, but for simplicity sake, I was born female and then transitioned to male 😃 It's just a phrase to avoid as it could make some trans people feel bad!
susane84679 etgar
like I said, I am not judging you, I just didn't understand the post. kudos to you for being true to who you are and I hope you get it figured out soon! Good Luck hun!
Guest etgar
For your soul sake , if you were born a female then thats what you are , God makes us male or female and He makes no mistakes. When you take and try to change what was already perfected by God , then you have messed up your own body. Trans people want to justified their self made male or female and some even blame God. The fact is when you try to change a born female into a self made man and inject all those males hormones then you are messing up your system bad period, sorry but it's just a fact! You are NOT a man , you are a woman at birth and you need to deal with the root issue to find the proper solution for relief and healing and only God can help you with this. I have a friend whose daughter YES daughter (born) and she got into this Trans stuff and showed a video on facebook with her pants down to the hip while her woman lover injected her with male hormones and title on video was SELF MADE MAN, just smiling and thought she was a real show and she changed her name from Mary to Blake and she has messed up her body bad now she has facial hair , lost her breast and yada yada how sad/sinful and against God this is. I'm not judging you only God can do that and only God can forgive us of our sins and clean us up and heal us physically and emotionally . I strongly suggest you read the word of God and seek Him and allow Him to help you with these issues and HE will. I cannot pat you on the back for being a trans and tell you it's okay because it is not, because I will have to answer to God and so will you one day if you don't make it right with Him. Christian counseling would be great if you can or would seek it. Take Care!
klm1213 Guest
Please keep your opinions on this to yourself..... On this forum we are supposed to be there for one another and support one another not shove religious views down others throats. If you don't agree with this post or how someone is choosing to live their life the real Christian thing would have been to move along and not make a comment.
etgar Guest
Hi Crosado8! As you have said, only God judges me, and He has put me in this path. He teaches the word of love and acceptance and He has made me they way I am now, and that is a trans male. I know He loves me and He loves every other trans person. We do not do any harm and being trans is not a sin. Transitioning saved me and I can affirm I would have ended killing myself out of sadness if I could have not transitioned. I know that in some parts these topics are touchy and mix a lot with the most extremist religion so you may have been taught an distorted image of the collective but I assure you we are normal people with jobs and pets and families like everyone else. Hopefully you can start to expose yourself to this reality slowly and you come to accept it soon. I send my best wishes to Blake and his partner!
jenni70 Guest
Guest etgar
Why in the world would they give a VERY young woman @ 19 a total hysterectomy?
etgar Guest
as I explained in my last addition, HRT caused me an endometrium hyperplasia. Part of the testosterone I take converted into estrogen to balance the levels. It was very painful for me. The surgery was a medical need to improve my life quality 😃
renee61138 etgar
sweety was the full hysterctomy apart of your surgery? if not I'm just wondering why your doctor has made you do this. I'm assuming your already on alot of hormones mainly male. I'm very confused I do know a little about this subject as a friend of mine has had the surgery but he did not have his ovaries removed. I think you probably need to talk with your specialists and explain what going on. I hope everything works out for you. And congrats on following your heart with being you.. xoxo
etgar renee61138
yes it was! I want to clarify that I needed this surgery, I did not ask for it (I originally didn't plan on getting any kind of surgery). My periods were REALLY messy and painful after a year of starting hormones, it's just something that can happen rarely and I had the bad luck of getting it. I had a lot of cysts in my ovaries too and I had been suffering from period pains since I was little so I'm very glad they got them out!!!
Gypsy014 etgar
Hi etgar, I had a hysterectomy too yrs ago but my ovaries were left in me so I could go thru my menopause naturally and not instantly.. But I don't think it made a difference what so ever because soon after lots and lots of symptoms started to occur I believe because as soon as the blood supply is cut off from the ovaries then the ovaries start the declining process and awful it is to say the least.. You are very very young so maybe you can try some female hormones to replace the ones you are missing now until your body adjusts.. And remember these declining hormones can cause very depressive moods and hormones are what your body is missing so my opinion one would need hormones to replace the ones they are missing to get out of all these symptoms.. I wish I could but hormones are not an option for me.. I wish you luck and good health in your journey its a tough road be strong and you will be ok take care..
nancys21 etgar
I was told at 22 that I needed to have a hysterectomy. Long, long story short, I got a laparotomy to lazer endometriosis scars throughout my pelvis, in order to become pregnant. This is an extremely confusing post, if not a joke. Sorry, but I've never heard of such a thing and don't understand.
beth12460 nancys21
Its gender reassignment. What you look like on the outside may not be who you are on the inside. It happens in the womb. Nobody's fault.
nancys21 beth12460
I do apologize for not understanding this post. Thank you for helping to clarify. x