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Imaging tests can identify abnormalities and help doctors diagnose conditions. A transvaginal ultrasound is a type of pelvic ultrasound used by doctors to examine female reproductive organs. This includes the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, and vagina. “Transvaginal” means “through the vagina.”

Is the vagina also called "vulvu" and if there is something wrong with vagina  would it show up a transvaginal ultra sound? Do gyn when given pap smears do they normaly look at opening for anything looking suspicious? When doing pap smears and biopspies can they see if anything is wrong with vulva or is that a special test?  Little confused on the transvaginal ultra sound above saying what all it checks for and vagina was included.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Crosado, the vulva is the external area of the genitals. Yes,they usually look at the external area to see if you have secretion or redness or anything else that might pop out at them. Unless you have herpes exposed then they will do a titer test. If you have secretion it will show up in a separate test they can do while doing the pap smear to test for yeast, vaginosis, etc. For SDI's they need a urine test and for syphilis they do a blood draw.

    • Posted

      Titer test well he took swabs but that was for pap smear to check for Cervical cancer dont know if they check for other stuff and just don't tell you , my main concern is that getting all those test and exams if they can see any other things in the opening or external area when preparing you for the smear / biospies that they tell you if it needs farther evaluation?

    • Posted

      Yes, but you should also make a point of telling them. Otherwise, how are they going to know that they need to look for anything?
    • Posted

      Also, a titer test is also blood that needs to be drawn for it.
  • Posted

    I just had that test done good question. Has anyone experienced numess in arms and hands ?

    Welcome to the forum!

    • Posted

      Yes every once in awhile in my arms by the joint elbow area of arms down to my hands . Not all the time just once in awhile.

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