Traumatized by Peri symptoms
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Hi Ladies, I'm so traumatized by what happened to me through peri with the anxiety and panic attacks and literally feeling like I was at deaths door. I'm literally afraid to move in any direction now. I'm on a med and it is helping with anxiety but, I'm still struggling with anxiety /peri fatigue and I'm pushing each day but, it's been over a year now heading into a year and 4 months. I can't snap out of this. I'm still in like a trance that won't break. I'm trying to move forward but, the fatigue is hurting me mentally in order to be able to comprehend all that is happening around me. I'm so tired of this. Bad day today. Wanting to live again normal. I had depression with this. I don't know if I should sleep more or stay up more at night. I don't have sleep issues but, I don't know if less sleep or more sleep will help me wake up from this. Playing scrabble right now to literally to help with cognitive functioning. Ugh!! I like scrabble but, this is ridiculous. Thanks for listening.
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hopeforever NothinforNothin
NothinforNothin that was me when this first started a yr and a half ago. Scared, traumatized out of my mind to the point where i went no where. I was scared of panic attacks and the gut awful feeling of falling over when i walked. I recall one day in the grocery store and i had a panic attack and sat on the floor and a lady came over to hold my hand. Also a time when i was driving and had to pull over. It was a complete living nightmare for me. I thought i was going to lose my bloody mind. But with the grace of God , time passing and writing down my symptoms and feelings in a journal slowly i was starting to let go of the fear. Every time i had a symptom i would run to my journal and tell myself that it is just hormones and that i made it through the last one, i would make it through this one. I must say that the panic attacks have slowed down a lot since then but when i do get them i try to calm down. Tell yourself that you are not alone, millions of women around the world are going through what you are going through. Praying for you
NothinforNothin hopeforever
Thank you so very much. I know I'm not alone. I just wish I could actually feel that. I should start writing in a journal. That's a good idea. It's so hard feeling like you have half your mind while there is a natural disaster going on. I'm not lucky with timing. I'm just tired of feeling so weak like I will crumble. All the time. I was never like this and it just wears you down. I mean I can't comprehend how I'm not waking up from this while a natural disaster is going on. It gives me negative thoughts because I feel guilty and selfish due to it but, I know it's not my fault. It still hurts. Thanks again for your caring response. I know so many are going through the same and my prayers go out to all of them and you. I'm trying to hang on. xo
charlotte57631 NothinforNothin
Praying for you..with all that's going on going through menopause makes it so much harderš«. I too deal with anxiety everyday..I pray and keep the faith that it will not last I am praying for you and with god help we will get through thisā¤
NothinforNothin charlotte57631
Thank you for your prayers. I send them to you too. It's so hard. I ask god everyday for help. Hoping one day he answers my prayers. xo
jo0808 NothinforNothin
your so not alone i am the same. more bad days than good. i ache every day, i feel strange sensations of movement in my whole body & im getting more aware of them has my anxiety hits the roof .
i did feel a little better yesterday and managed to do things around my home instead of walking around the house like a zombie doing nothing at all. its hard to believe hormones can make you feel so ill. hope it helps to ease you alittle. were all on lockdown in the UK too. police are everywhere so its not even worth going out for food, can do without an argument with a copper at the moment. id only get fined Ā£60 lol
NothinforNothin jo0808
Hey Joo808....thanks for your caring reply. This anxiety is a killer for sure. I've never felt this and it's horrible. I'm really trying to fight through it and now we are in lock down too. I feel a bit normal knowing everyone else is in lock down and I know I'm not alone in this. I just wish that normal feeling would really set in and I'd be done with this. Sending you hugs. I can't believe what hormones can do either. I wish I had been warned. It's been so very scary and exhausting!! Take Care!!
karen65574 NothinforNothin
Hi it is so scary my anxiety has been through the roof , symptoms are awful hot face and ears , weak , achy joints stiff neck hurts all the time , just had enough of this , no let up is there , and with all the stress of coronavirus , anxiety goes up !!!!! oh and feeling like you cant breathe , cant get enough air in , anxiety !!!!! love to u all xxxx
jo0808 NothinforNothin
this site is just the best for anyone suffering with menopause. just knowing were all in it together us 40+ women learning & supporting each other its fantastic. stay strong & blessed b x