Travel after gastric sleeve operation

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Hi having my op on th 17/3/16 ,but have booked a holiday nine weeks after op ,will i be ok to go? My surgeon say's yes but just wondering if anybody else traveld so soon after op 

thanks x

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I flew home nxt but only from birminghan to belfast. Ul b ok id say👍
    • Posted

      Thanks it just a worry ,how were you after the op were you in a lot of pain 
    • Posted

      I asked for oramorp pain relief n hospital so wasn 2 bad. Dont be afraid to ask for it if ur sore
  • Posted

    I drove home from Dover (had operation in france) two days after operation and flew to Chicago one week after... I would not worry
    • Posted

      Thank you ,  how long after surgery do you feel back to normal!
  • Posted

    I had bypass, not a sleeve, but I understand the recovery is the same. From a health standpoint, I could have traveled the second week. I was walking a half mile the day after surgery, then a full mile on day three.

    The problem is food. The programs vary in terms of how soon you get to the next level, both in terms of quantity and the type of food. My program was pretty restrictive, up to six weeks, eating on the go would have been difficult. But I've seen other regimens wherein you would be fine with the food they allow. So I guess the bottom line is that I think you would do find physically, but check what your diet will be at that point.

    Hope that helps...


    • Posted

      Thanks for that my surgeon has said i should be eating more or less everything by then but much smaller portions 
    • Posted

      Great! Then you should be fine. FYI, I eat anything I want now, including some foods I gave up years ago. I indulge in small portions. Guilt free. I eat so little that as long as I count protein, I can eat anything. The surgery was the best thing I ever did!

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