Travel insurance
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Hi all
Anyone who has been diagnosed and receiving treatment,
Have you purchased travel insurance ???,how did insurance companies
Treat our condition???. I have a yearly policy but have yet to add this
To the policy,I am hoping to go to Malta in November depending on
How my treatment goes????my travel insurance went right up
When I reached 65 so God knows how this will affect it,as it could affect
So many organs,even if all tests are OK,insurance companies will look
At what it could do???
2 more days till I go and see Dracula again for another pint extraction.
Cheers philx
2 likes, 9 replies
andy75543 philx
I was diagnosed with HH in February this year. I have been on bi-weekly venesections since mid-March. I'm 68 and have just renewed our annual travel insurance with LV=. The questions they asked about my HH did not apply to me. My premium was increased by £200. Note we have cover for travel to the USA which always make insurance much more expensive.
philx andy75543
Hi Andy
Thanks for your reply,I'm waiting for my genetic test to come back
But the say they are 99.9% certain it is hereditary, both my parents
We're Irish,it's my 4 the v/section on Thursday.
Once I've been back to see the consultant 19.7.16 and he tells me
How many more v/sections I will need,I will contact my insurance
Cheers philx
mike80628 philx
Hi Phil. Many insurance companies out there don't seem to know a great deal about our condition. They don't seem to understand the treatment phase and maintenance phase. Someone in treatment phase with a level over 2000 for example might still be at higher risk of suffering from something related to iron overload, than someone in maintenance phase on a level under 50. Some companies if you tell them your in treatment phase, will see you as a much higher risk than someone in maintenance phase. Best thing to do is phone the Haemochromatosis Society...they'd be able to give the most up to date advice on insurance issues. Cheers. Mike.
philx mike80628
Hi mike
I will leave adding this to my insurance till around October, when
Hopefully I will have a better picture of how my levels are reacting
I am not taking anything for granted,I will take each extraction as it
Comes,after 3 extractions I am pleased with what I have dropped
But if the next one's don't drop the same ,so be it.
I am supposed to have a local support group not far from where I
Live but it's going through some kind of transition, once it's up and
Running again I my get more info from them.
Cheers phil
mike80628 philx
Hi Phil. What are your latest levels? Mine was 21 a few weeks ago. So good to be in maintenance now. I'm donating blood every six weeks at the mo, and will monitor levels closely. Hopefully after about six to eight months I'll know the pattern of how quickly my levels rise, and hope to reduce my donations to about four a year. I'm feeling good. Started running again. Entering the Brentwood half marathon next Easter and will raise money for the Haemochromatosis Society. Something to aim for. Anyway, keep me posted on your levels and shall look forward to you reaching maintenance phase. Cheers. Mike.
philx mike80628
Hi mike
After 3 pints,level has dropped from 1130 to 758,which I am more
Than happy with,as I said I will not get complacent, if next one tomorrow
Only drops by 10 so be it,at least it's coming down
Cheers Phil
mike80628 philx
Hi Phil. Well, that's certainly a good start. My start was pretty slow, coming down about 25-30 for each session. Then, there would be the odd one of a few 100, when one of 10! Still, just gotta go with the flow, literally.
I just went to a comparison travel insurance quote, typed in that I had hh, and there loads of great, don't think you'll have any problems. They just wanted to check that there was no cirrhosis, shouldn't be an issue if you have no major organ damage...Mike.
marie86421 philx
Hi Philx
I bought travel insurance this year with Saga for a weeks trip to the Netherlands. I completed the online application form and when I put that I had haemochromatosis, a couple of questions came up asking if I had any related illnesses due to the condition. I have not and answered the questions accordingly. The travel insurance included my husband as well and for the two of us it came to £32. Hope this helps.
philx marie86421
Thanks Marie
I did try a fictitious name,with insure and go,when completing medical
Questions, put hemochromatosis in,it didn't recognise it,and said
Phone there helpline ,???I will leave it a couple of months and see how
My levels come down
Cheers phil