travel insurance and hypertension. This is why I wish I'd never had an NHS health check.

Posted , 5 users are following.

I was diagnosed with hypertension over 2 years ago at a health check and have had it well controlled for 2 years with 25 mg Losartan. I had the initial 50 mg dose reduced to 25mg 14 months ago.  Travel insurers say they won't insure me against a heart attack or stroke or anything else attributable to hypertension.  Had I never had that health check I'd never have known and had I had a heart attack on holiday would have been covered and also it would have cost less. It just makes me cross.

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jane,

    I was diagnosed with hypertension 9 months ago - also at a health check.  Currently I'm keeping it lowered on Lisinopril 25 mg.  I also have degenerative disc disease (in lower back), and I'm a female aged 68.

    I flew to Duabi in late April and had no problems obtaining travel insurance.  I declared the two medical conditions, and I was not given any restrictions on what I would or would not be covered for.

    Hubby has had bowel cancer in the past year and a course of chemotherapy.  After he finished his chemo, he had no problems finding travel insurance using a specialist insurance provider. They were one of several companies mentioned in the Macmillan Cancer Support booklet 'Getting Travel Insurance'. 

    HTH and that I'm not infringing any forum rules and regs buy mentioning companies.  

    Emis Moderator comment: I have removed the link(s) directing to site(s) unsuitable for inclusion in the forums. If users want this information please use the Private Message service to request the details.

    • Posted

      hi there rdgfootyfan don.t know if thar is reading football lol   any way my sister has had bowel cancer for a year and is still having chemo  how is your hubby after his chemo?


    • Posted

      Hi Helen,

      Yes, I'm a Reading FC supporter and live close to Reading.  :-) 

      Hubby completed his chemo in November 2014 and all was OK at his recent oncology follow-up.  He doesn't have another oncology follow-up until early 2016.  He had an ileostomy procedure (stoma op) following his original bowel cancer tumour removal.  This was reversed four weeks ago, and his 'plumbing' reconnected.

      All is going well, and he looks better than he has done for ages.  All the treatment was carried out at RBH in Reading.  Excellent hospital and staff.

      I hope that your sister is progressing well and coping with the chemo.  We found that the chemo caused more problems than the cancer.  But hubby also has type 2 diabetes, which adds lots of problems!    

    • Posted

      thanks for your reply I live very close to the RBH  in Reading and my sis is in  Slough good to know the care in hospital was good... good luck to you both!

      she has received brilliat care at Wexham hospital in Slough all good


  • Posted

    Jane I do know that my husband has to let insurance company know that I am on bp medication and thyroxine for underactive thyroid otherwise I would not be insured. I cannot understand why they will not insure you as cancer sufferers and others with chronic illnesses can get cover. Please try other insurance companies because you can get insurance.
  • Posted

    Hi Jane,

    Sorry I was unable to provide the names of the travel insurance companies.  (Moderator removed them - I'm OK with that Moderator :-))  Please send me a private message if you want the names.


  • Posted

    Hello everyone and many thanks for your replies.  I had only tried one ins firm as per an ad I saw in the paper. The reason I tried them is that hubby also has cancer and I knew that they would be difficult with that.  It's of the bile duct and he was diagnosed last Jan but had no biopsies taken, they inserted a stent and left it at that. The consultant thought  it best to leave well alone, a CT scan showed there was no spread. Since then he had a routine follow up with the consultant who said to go off and enjoy life, there being  no operation available and so far  he is very well. Fingers Xed. 

    So when the insurance co asked about the BP and I told him, he said [just as he had said about my husband] that any illness with a link to hypertension would not be covered. Not even repatriation.  We have our EHIC cards and the dr says they should be fine for what we need, so will probably go with those and hope for the best.

  • Posted

    Just to update you all, I looked into the various insurance companies suggested by RGFootyfan and Derek and was able to get insurance for myself for the hypertension and without restrictions but no joy re. my husband's cancer. I think the problem is that he hasn't had an operation [they don't operate on this cancer as a rule] and he hasn't had or needed any chemo or radiotherapy. Basically he doesn't tick the necessary boxes. 

    i think in the end we will rely on our EHIC cards. The dr.says to rely on those but the first ins salesman I spoke to says they are only for minorcuts and sprains. i suppose he would say that wouldn't he! After all if the papers are to be believed Europeans can come to the UK on a day trip and obtain an EHIC card. Then go home to Europe and have a baby and send the substantial bill to the NHS, who pay up without question. What's the betting that should we need it the system won't work in our favour.

    • Posted

      Hi Jane,

      EHIC cards are OK for some treatments etc.  But don't forget that they don't cover you for repatriation costs - in the event of broken limbs, severe illness, death etc.  Also, no cover if someone is taken ill and has to go into hospital or cannot return on planned date; and the accompanying partner/friend has to stay on in a hotel whilst hospital visiting etc.

      The only time I haven't taken travel insurance has been when staying with my brother and his family in Holland.  My sister-in-law is a nurse there, and they could 'repatriate' me and/or hubby if necessary. 

  • Posted

    Hi Jane glad to hear you got cover but sorry that your husband didn't,  I got cover a couple of years ago for a diagnosed by not operated on at that time cerebral aneurysm. I also have hypertension and osteoporosis.  The premium was quite hefty but I was going to south east asia for 6 weeks so I wasn't surprised. I also have had short tern cover for europe trips with no problem.  If you want details of these companies just drop me a private message.
    • Posted

      Hi there Liiylady have they treated your cerebral aneurysm  I had mine clipped almost  17 years ago, sometimes they treat them with copper coils.. good luck
    • Posted

      Thank you Lilylady. They would of course give my husband cover for cancellation, lost luggage etc but not for anything to do with the cancer. Principally, I felt, because he hadn't been operated on and secondly had had no treatment whatsoever. The reason being that he isn't ill - yet cry. ... so a week in Majorca seemed a good idea.


      We have a daughter living in France and went there in May with just our EHIC cards. Luckily we  didn't need them. i had been thinking if he became ill in the week we are away it would just be a case of buying a plane ticket home which is considerably less than some  of the ins companies that I've tried. Going to the Far East though would have been a different ball game I guess. Would love to hear who you used for your insurance.

    • Posted

      Ha, I've just realised I should have sent this as a private message. Oh dear, will try and remedy this!
    • Posted

      Hi Helen Yes I had one coiled two years ago but I have another small one on my cerebellum that they are keeping and eye on - makes for an interesting life!!!
    • Posted

      Hi Helen  I should have added the coils are platinum now but apparently not worth very much on the metals market....

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