TReatment for Blepharitis

Posted , 7 users are following.

I would like to share with all of you a new treatment for blepharitis which is very exciting to me and I hope you as well.  I just found out about it, but some of you may already be aware of it.  It is called IPL (Intense Pulse Light).  It has been under study for 5 or 6 years by a doctor Rolando Togos in Memphis Tenn. and he has had 99% success rate.  You would have to try and find out if where you live has this treatment.  I have it here and I intend to start it but I have to have a tear duct surgery first.  This treatment was discovered by accident.  It originally was for acne patients and then after the treatment the patient would comment about being able to see better and so it began....They take this laser and go all over your face and nose with this heat.  Doesn't hurt or burn.  Takes about 20 min total.  The heat opens the glands in the eyes.  Then the doctor takes a Qtip and goes underneath the lid and wipes away all the gunk that comes out of the gland as a result of this treatment.  The patient also wears eye pads to protect the eyes.  This is during the treatment.  My doctor said it would take 3 or 4 treatments, each a month apart.  Then only a follow up of it yearly or maybe 6 mos.  Just depending on your eyes.  This doctor I told you about has his own website and you can type in his name and it will bring up a video and it shows the whole procedure and you can hear the doctor talk about it and answer questions while he is interviewed.  I would give you the website, but I tried to do it on this website earlier and they wouldn't pass on the post because they said that anytime you put a website on here it has to be moderated; however, they didn't post it.  I don't know if this site has a place to go for a private conversation or not, but if so, I could probably put it on there if you let me know that you want it.....I'm so anxious to be able to do this procedure and just had to share with you my joy....I have suffered with this disease, as you have, for so very long and it has just about ruined my life in so many ways.  Thanks for listening....

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Thank you so much.  I will mention this to my eye doctor....I am sure he never heard of it and doctors get annoyed when you tell them you found something on the Internet....Maybe I will tell him a friend told me about it.

    Thank you Margaret85850.

  • Posted

    I am so glad you have the opportunity to try this,I am going to ask my clinic this week if they know anywhere around where I live that does this. I have read about it on the net and as usual clinics and dictors are lagging behind. Please keep us posted. Much luck! Xx
  • Posted

    Thanks Margaret. I had seen all bout it on the internet but unfortunately Im not in the US and its not available where I live. Im sure its only a matter of time before it becomes available accross Europe. I will still mention it to my Eye doc. Wishing you the very best...
  • Posted

    margaret, we can use all rhe help we can get, at least I know I do! Thank you. smile Dena

  • Posted

    Thank you, Margaret. I can only speak for myself but this is the kind of info I am looking to read right now. Being newly diagnosed, I am seeking hope not horror. Your message hit at a good time because yesterday someone had posted about no longer being able to drive with blepharitis! That petrified me. I have two boys I have to raise. That posting set me back for a long while and I don't think being advert depressed is going to help me with this condition.

  • Posted

    Hi all,

    for those living in Europe there is another treatment that I think is quite readily available, Blephex .....Looks promising while we await the arrival of Lipiflow.....

    • Posted

      My eye doctor has Blephex I believe.

      Will check on Thursday. I'm in US

    • Posted

      Please do, Gav....I will make enquiries at my Eye Doc's this week..

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