Treatment for Globus Sensation?
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Hello, I am a 41 year old male and had been suffering from Globus for 3 months now. The condition happened after i was eating and choked, then swallowed a HUGE piece of meat. It felt stuck in my throat. I been to the emergency room 6 times for it (they didn't do much except refer me to a gastroenterologist. The G.I. doctor did a upper endoscopy, and found nothing, he then referred me to a ENT doctor. The ENT doctor said it was a muscle spasm, stop thinking about it and it will go away. Well, 3 months later and its still here. I just went back to the ENT and he finally used the term Globus sensation. He scheduled me for esophageal manometry. He said depending on the results I may be able to get treatment for it. The doctor said the specialist can use botox or "cut" the muscle to treat this. I am scheduled in 2 weeks to get the Esophageal manometry and see the specialist.
Before this happened to me I never heard of such a condition. I read online it's caused by:
1. stress
2. post nasal drip or something to do with the mucosa in the throat
3. Trauma to the throat or swallowing something huge (What I believe caused mine)
4. Gerd (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease)
Most forums, and blogs all say similar things....stop thinking about it, try a antihistamine or purple pill. There are also exercises for it. But out of all these treatments most people still seem to suffer from this. I would imagine if it was anxiety induced it would be logical to assume it will go away if one stops thinking about it. If it's caused by post nasal drip, it seems reasonable the antihistamine would work, and obviously if it's caused by GERD it would be reasonable to believe the purple pill (Prylosec, or Zantac...ect) will help. But what about trauma? I seen one person posted on the forums there is a place in NY and in NC that treat it with Botox. After seeing that post is when i really started to get hope, and now the ENT confirming this makes me feel even better. I live in Philadelphia i was worried what if i have to go to NY or NC to treat it, but they treat it right here in the city. I been looking online to try to find out if anyone had been treated for this with Botox or surgery, but I haven't found any results yet. So i will keep posting my experience with this. I hope one of these treatments can be performed and if so i will post the results here.
To be continued...I will post after March 20th when i get the manometry and speak to the specialist.
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Xiera saverio04104
Hello, I know this feeling and yes it was very annoying. I have been free from globus right now but sometimes the feeling on the throat come and go. I've went to doctor too and found nothing inside. What I do I learn to ignore the globus. The ignoring process will take a month. For me simply spit the saliva out rather than swallow the saliva helps me. Because each time I swallow saliva I get the sensation. I hope it will get better from now.
N. B right now I'm writing this text I try to swallow a lot and my globus come back a little.![sad](
saverio04104 Xiera
I am sorry you have this condition, I wish you well. Ask your doctor to send you to a ENT to see if you can get a Manometry test for the upper esophageal sphincter. And ask if they do botox or surgery for it. My doctor told me usually it goes away on its own but in cases where it exists several months or longer he said they do the Manometry test and sometimes can treat it. Doesn't hurt to ask and hopefully you have healthcare or insurance to cover it. Hope you feel better and I hope this helps some.
rachel45118 saverio04104
Hello I have been suffering from this for two years now after popcorn got stuck in my throat. I have had all the test done. The esophageal manometry was the only test that gave results. It said i have very tight pressure in my throat. 104mm is normal , mine is 189mm It also proved i wasn't suffering from acid reflux as the Drs love to tell you is the reason for globus. I had a dilation last year . They wanted to give me botox at the same time but i opted for just the dilation first. It didn't really have any effect on me. i think my throat is so tight that, after the balloon was taken out my throat just snapped straight back . i am thinking of botox now to relax my muscle and am interested to see how it helps you . I currently can only eat soft food or food that is covered in gravy etc. I cant eat hard or dry foods.
Anxietyasf rachel45118
Ok it is now April 8th, a few days before I went to the specialist the symptoms subsided my throat felt relaxed, I went for the appointments anyway. The Manometry showed my UES was 50% tighter than it should be. The specialist and I decided to sleep on it about the treatment since my symptoms subsided for now. Well globus is back so I called to make a appointment. I'm going through with the treatment, we are gonna talk about what treatment but I think it will be botox from what he told me at the previous appointment. I'll keep posting, ....
rachel45118 saverio04104
saverio04104 rachel45118
OK so i had my may 8th appointment. Now the doctor says he wants to try to diolate it, botox would be temporary fix so he would rather try it this way. I hope it works but from forum posts i read, I am skeptical. He did prescibe me Flexeril a muscle relaxer and it works but makes me very drowsy. I'll post my next update after May 31st
Dr_Jimoh saverio04104
Sorry for the late update, the procedure has me sick the past few days.
I had my procedure done, the ENT dilated my esophagus. After the procedure I couldn't eat or sleep for 3 days...sever vomiting, the hanging thing in the back of my throat was swollen and gagging me. The globus sensation feels like it's worst than before I went for the procedure. The ENT assured me it may feel worst before it feels better. Unfortunately I haven't much to report except post op symptoms. The ENT said it will be several weeks up to approx 5 weeks until I know if it worked. Personally I feel skeptical but that may just be the discomfort I'm experiencing. I will post back after my post op visit on June 22nd.
rachel45118 saverio04104
saverio04104 rachel45118
I did however find out from my doctor botox is not permanent if that helps any with your decision for treatment. I'll keep you updated
rachel45118 saverio04104
saverio04104 rachel45118
I seen the doctor he told me I should feel better in a few weeks, the treatment is working he says. Well I still have this globus, it's still tight and hurts. I tried to make an appointment sooner but I couldn't. I will be seeing him on the 24th.
rachel45118 saverio04104
Sorry to hear you are still suffering. I know my throat is still tight too. I manage it by eating soft amd moist food . I could have dilation done again but I don't really want to yet. It's not nice to live with and I do feel most drs don't really 'get it' . Please keep us posted after next appointment.
Well seen the doctor, not much to report. I have to get the UES manometry again to see where I am at. The doctor thinks I need another dilation. I'm currently waiting for the doctor to call back to schedule these procedures. Will update as soon as I can.
rachel45118 saverio04104