Tremor Help....I can not get a diagnosis
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I am having awful symptoms that my GP and neurologist have no ideas. THey just say they dont know and give me tablets to ease symptoms.
I am having reactions near to computers and mobile phones of hot skin, shakes and headaches.
I have had my last metal filling removed with no difference as I had read that they can cause a problem.
I feel so ill, I have flu like symptoms of the chills, then hot burning face, my face is red and my nearves are trembling.
I think I have a heavy metal overload but doctors think I am mad and depressed so give me antidipressants/. How do I sort this out I am ill and cant get any help. I have put loads of different prescribed creams on my skin and tried loads of pills. I am sure I need a specialist in metals in the body but I cant find one and docs wont listen.
I have sent for a hair mineral analysis test but this will take ages as I had to send it to America.
Please help as I feel like I am dying, thats no exagurstion
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medication .Would also need to know what you have tried so far regards creams and medication.Also what is your diet and exercise regime like. These will generally have some bearing on most medical conditions.
I had a gastric pacemaker fitted and removed due to electricfied reactions. I have also had my last alagram filling removed. I have a condition called gastroparisis so my stomach doesnt work properly, that is y i had the gastric pacemaker fitted. Apart from only eating liquids prior though I was otherwise healthy. As soon as I had the pacer fitted I started vibrating and burning. After 2 weeks I had it removed but am still having burning reations and interfering with electrical devises. I asked my dentist and he said that he had heard of old metal fillings giving off a charge so had the last one removed a couple of weeks ago. Things a little easier but still having shakes and burning sensations. Other than trying to eat properly I am not having any suppliments.
If I take anything like vitamins my shakes are worse, especially vitamin c
I still have no help from doctors but have done a lot of research and really trying to help myself now as even the specialists dont listen to me.
I have started taking a suppliment called n-acetyl cysteine 600mg a day. this removes heavy metals from the body naturally. I am still unwell but not quite as bad. My face is still burning but the rest of my body is easier than before. my nervous system is still jumping but at least i can sleep now. I read about chealation therapy but it can be as bad as the condition and not good for your kindeys. I would try natural things first. I have been doing this along with seeing a chiroptractor as this manipilates the metal from the body. I am have a really bad throat and swollen glands at the moment but nothing compared to what I was like. I think this is a yeast build up and have had my mum bring me some tablets that you can buy abroad to help clear out the yeast which should then clear my throat and glands. They are the standard thrush tablets but you take them for 4 weeks instead of just one dose for a thrush infection. Hope this helps as I am tons better than before. Thanks to myself and no doctors help at all...........lots of luck x