Tremors, Shakiness, Burning Skin and Visual Changes
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Been Experiencing Tremors, Shakiness, Vibrations, and Visual Changes and Disturbances. I have been through so many Tests for months and Months now. I am not sure if visual changes and Disturbances are a part of perimenopause but I did read that Hormone Changes do effect your vision. I did just go the the dr. and they said I had post concusion maybe the visual changes come from this. If this is all menopause then wow I can't believe women have to go through this!!!! it can be debilitating......Waking up during the night with rapid heart beat, itching burning skin, trembling, Shaking, Sweaty hands and feeling Hot All of a sudden. Then Crying all the time out of no where. What can I do to help these symptoms? All my tests from drs. come out normal what is such an awesome thing!!! I also feel lime little insects sometimes are under my skin.....Also does anyone feel less bowel control and urine control?
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pinkcatfairy Shana_P
Dear shana
When you say visual changes what do you experience? I had and occasionally have still visual auras (coloured zig zags) but no migraine to follow, i believe these can be a peri/meno symptom x
Shana_P pinkcatfairy
I also have had a concusion as well as post concusion syndrome which cpuld definitely affect vison in all ways....Visual Snow, light sensitivity, zig zags , blurred vision, double vision, green shades....I also have 2 bulging discs in my neck, neck sprain and a hurt ligament
tracy43395 Shana_P
I am going through the same and more. My sight is so blurry I can't read anymore and can only type a bit at a time. it's the worst symptom. I get migraines that give me stroke like symptoms. I have suicidal thoughts because I can't function anymore and don't see the point. I can't take hrt anymore. I am taking femerelle which does help with the flushes and dizziness a bit. I wish I could give you better news but I can only send my sympathy and reassure you you're not alone.
PatientMod tracy43395
Hi Tracy,
We note from a recent post which you have made to our forum that you may be experiencing thoughts around self-harm. If we have misinterpreted your comments then we apologies for contacting you directly. But if you are having such thoughts then please note that you are not alone in this, and there are people out there that can help.
If you are having these suicidal thoughts then we strongly recommend you speak to someone who may be able to help. The Samaritans offer a safe space where you can talk openly about what you are going through. They can help you explore your options, understand your problems better, or just be there to listen.
Their contact details are on our patient information leaflet here:, which also offers lots of other advice on how you can access the help you may need.
If you are having such thoughts then please do reach out to the team at the Samaritans (or the other people detailed in our leaflet) who will understand what you're going through and will be able to help.
Kindest regards
Shana_P tracy43395
Oh Wow. I am so sorry. Thank God for this Forum. We can all support each other with support and encouragement. I wish there was a magic pill to help everyone one of us.
Shana_P tracy43395
hang in there God is with you. He sees all of our pain. Your gonna get better.
Guest Shana_P
Hi Shana, yes, I've had all these symptoms. Most have calmed down now after two years but not gone. The visual disturbances I had were lightening bolts off to the side of my right eye. And now and then when I go outside I see silver glitter rain coming down. All so strange. I was checked out by an ophthamologist and all was normal too. Also brain MRI's normal.
All the other symptoms as well as the visual stuff are enough to make one think one is checking out. I seriously thought I didn't have much time left on this earth. I was so ill. Yet all my tests were normal. How can you be so sick and nothing is wrong?
Eventually I found out that viruses were creating some of the havoc since my immune system was weakened from the drop in hormones. And all the anxiety and depression was probably causing their own symptoms too. It was a really horrible time in life.
Two years in and I'm still not a well woman, but I do have days where I feel pretty good. This past week was really good, it's like I get one week a month where I feel decent and then the burning/aching/stomach stuff comes back again. It's definitely hormone related. But the severest symptoms are no longer here, the shaking/bad flu feelings/frozen shoulder/heart palps/visual disturbances/breast and ovary cysts, etc...
Try and hang in there. Feel OK knowing your tests are normal and that other women are suffering the same. All you can do is take care of yourself the best you can, boost your immune system. Progesterone cream helped me with spotting. You could try HRT if you want to go that route.
Guest Shana_P
visual changes can you share in more details about your visual ,changes because I have had this . I have had and still HAVE the Tremors, Shakiness, Burning Skin and Visual Changes.
Shana_P Guest
All my tests came back normal. My Brain MRI was normal meaning no Auto Immune Disease or Caner or Tumors Thank God. The Neurologists did say I had a. saagging Brain but its common. The Celebrium goes a little below the line....which if you brain gets knocked around like from a car accident it could produce symptoms... sure if its this the concusion or neck etc....
Shana_P Guest
Yes visual changes meaning seeing visual snow all the time, blurry vision. double vision and light sensitivity with sometimes zig zags. I am experiencing cloudiness also. I have an eye appointment This Monday. it will be the 4 eye appointment in a month
Nettie261962 Shana_P
I have all of the above and more. Had tons of tests and more. All normal. Thank God.
maddysmom2015 Shana_P
Itching and burning skin could be allergy / food related. That would also make sense with the bowel and urine control issues. Do you notice these symptoms after certain foods? I get just as you describe with gluten, dairy and some fructose. The skin burning is tremendously disturbing! But my GI doctor said guts = skin. What's going on in your guts shows up in the skin.
maddysmom2015 Shana_P
Itching and burning skin could be allergy / food related. That would also make sense with the bowel and urine control issues. Do you notice these symptoms after certain foods? I get just as you describe with gluten, dairy and some fructose. The skin burning is tremendously disturbing! But my GI doctor said guts = skin. What's going on in your guts shows up in the skin.
mary89842 Shana_P
i am 42 and week before my period im a disaster,worse the past 6 months. Periods starting to becone irregular and week of,ugh, tremors,twitches, hyper jerky feelings.,shakes and weak and now weird vision. i call it woogy or fishbowl vision. mine seems to get better at night but morning through late afternoon is the worst. ANXIETY due to walking around like im in a tunnel.. but everything improves once i get my period. one week out of the month is hell.