tremors, tics, hypersensitivity to cold

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Hello. I'll try to desribe my situation very detailed and I would REALLY appreciate any advice or reply since I am really desperate. I am 19 years old and I have developed tremors throughout all my body, they are usually present when I'm stretching or flexing, the vibrating in my hands are present constantly though. Hand tremors usually gets way worse in school or during social interaction and are increased by cold weather although it is not even that cold, I am just shaking. Head tics disappears almost completely when I'm alone or during night, usually tics are happening in the morning. This problem has been haunting me and I can't concentrate in school due to anxious feelings caused by tremors. I have been to a neuro, she said that it wasn't essential tremor and just prescribed me an anti-depressant "Escitil". I didn't see any improvement after a month so I dropped it and decided to see a psychiatrist. I told her that my GP diagnosed me with vegetative dystonia when I fainted for the first time and she called that a trash diagnosis. After talking with her she prescribed me tianeptine (coaxil 15mg) and effexor (venlaxor 37,5mg). which I understand is for major depressive disorder and social phobia. I am obsessed and googling for symptoms 24/7. I just can't drop it since I don't understand what is going on with me. It makes me uncomfortable and embarrassed and I have really hard time accepting myself as I am now. I used to go to the gym and do martial arts for quite some time however when I quitted, my weight dropped rapidly and I'm really skinny and weak at the moment. I have tried marijuana but it only increases my anxiety and tremors. I am really sorry but I couldn't make it shorter. I hope that someone finds a time to read who can be of a help or just share similar symptoms and can educate me or something. Thank you.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, I have the inner shakes everyday. It makes me very nervous and nauseous. I wake up nauseated every morning and shaky. My Paxil quit working July of 2015 and Ive been like this since. Ive had to keep upping my clonazepam to deal with it until I can find a medication that works. Mornings are horrible!!! I'm currently at 45mg of Paxil and was at 50. Been on it for 15 years and it's hard to come off of. I'm on 10mg of Prozac and had nausea, headaches, and increased anxiety, which is a side effect. I think it's finally coming getting better, but the anxiety in the morning is awful.
  • Posted

    I have very similar issues. Come to find out it was all caused by seizures
    • Posted

      I’m really curious to talk to you. I have both Tourette’s and grand mal seizures. I have full body tics if I exercise and have all kinds of different tics from my nose tics to physical movements. Can you tell me anything about your seizures?

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