Trying to walk with a cane instead of two crutches but can only manage about a half a day...
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I have been trying to walk with just a cane for about 4 days now. I have seen on here some people even less than 4 weeks post op are just using one crutch. I can only manage to use the cane about half a day and I start hurting too bad. Sad part is, it isn't the new hip or operated side that is hurting, (right) it is my left side. I was so hoping that I would be able to postpone the second hip replacement for a while, but it isn't looking like that is going to happen. It is all so frustrating, and all I want to do is be out of pain and to be able to walk and function normal again. I know many of you on here have been through so much more than I have. I want to thank you all for being here to listen, give advice and for being so understanding. Good luck to you all....Wishing everyone a speedy recovery and much less pain.....Barb
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fiona_08868 noplaybarbie
My surgeon had me lose my walker for a cane on the other side at 10 days, when I got my staples out. It was hard at first but I listened to others in this forum and focused on standing tall and heel toe. I'm now at 5 weeks and 3 days and that leg is doing well. Walking is looking pretty good. I'll never addition I'm much more comfortable driving than I was pre-op.
I also will need the other leg done and as much as I'm dreading it I will ask to set the date when I go for my 6 week checkup next week as I need to get my life back.
For me this has been much harder than I anticipated. I think I unrealisticly thought I'd be up and running in a couple of weeks. Keep on plugging and all of a sudden you'll realize how much better you are. Take care and good luck!
noplaybarbie fiona_08868
fiona_08868 noplaybarbie
hope4cure fiona_08868
Malloo noplaybarbie
renee01952 noplaybarbie
Such wonderful responses !!! As said, you can't really compare yourself to others - the healing process is an individual, a personal one - there is no set schedule, eventhiugh we are made to believe there is ... if we feel we are behind this so-called schedule, we get frustrated, angry - That is why so many of us find this forum !!!! there is something wrong with me because .......!!!
Crutch, cane, rollator are all aids to help us walk properly - our body is not in balance yet and we need the support - it also prevents developing the waddle, the limp - it is so easy to fall back to pre-op walking -
Oh, the other leg !!!! that was the reason I found this forum - pain in groin on left etc. at 3 weeks post-op from right THR - I was in shock when the xray showed almost bone-on-bone of left hip joint when xray 6 months prior showed mild detoriation of cartilage -
It was hell, tbh - poor new hip was overburdened because of increasing pain in other hip -
It is daunting and scary, barb, to know that you have to go through it again -
but you know what, you will have two new hips !!! to me it felt as if healing could/can finally take place ...
eventhough there are moments that I am disappointed that I am not as far along as I expected, I would do it again and maybe NOT wait too long -
Definitely look into rehab post-op - I wish I had done that after 2nd THR -
It will make a big difference -
We all want to walk "normal" again .. but this is what it is right now, and it is perfect ...
big warm hug
noplaybarbie renee01952
lynn66084 noplaybarbie
noplaybarbie lynn66084
lynn66084 noplaybarbie
I'm 17 weeks post op now, will be nice to be able to get up from sitting without being stiff lol
noplaybarbie lynn66084
Rocketman_SG6UK noplaybarbie
Don't beat yourself up because you cannot do something that someone else can do - all recoveries are different. My two recoveries from two operations on the same hip, just 10 weeks apart were so different. I had no 'toilet problems' the first time, but the second time I had to ask to be catheterised in the middle of the night. I was still unable to walk without a stick at 10 weeks - others have thown them away by then.
You are unique, and your recovery will be too. And if you should have to have this operation again, your recovery will probably be quite different.
Best wishes
Graham - 🚀💃
noplaybarbie Rocketman_SG6UK