Tummy Woes.....again

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Hi, girls...

So, I really try not to complain about my symptoms to my family too much. I'm grateful that they, for the most part, listen to my complaints and try to make me feel better.

But today just got to me. First of all, my hubby and I had to cancel a trip today because of the hurricane Gordon. I was a little bummed out but hey...Angels looking out for us I figured. So we go out to breakfast and decide to see a movie...and 30 minutes later my stomach rumbles and grumbles and I have to RUN into the bathroom. Without giving TMI, while there, I see my period has come back again, (had a 1 day episode last week) and realize that part of the rumblings I was feeling was cramps. Then I have a mini breakdown right there..

and cry. This makes my thoughts turn to why this is happening....is this some dread disease? Will I need an emergency hysterectomy to stop the bleeding? Do I have some awful stomach bug?

Does anything like this happen to you ladies? Physically and mentally??

Thanks for reading my rant...any advice is greatly appreciated.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    My co-worker hasn't had a period in 7 months and then all of sudden she was out walking and a FLOOD came.  She said she was mortified and started crying.  Eventually called her hubs to pick her up.    Kinda nervous that that would happen to me out and about..  UGH 

    • Posted

      oh no, poor thing...I can certainly empathize with her. Sending her a hug through you, Kelly...
  • Posted

    Ah Katy. The worry can be the hardest part when our bodies start to change. Id simular 12 years ago and i knew my body wss beginning to change and i was just 36.

    Im sure there nothing synister going on but if it puts your mind at ease, why not go to see your gyny. It can be awful as our emotions are all over the place just like our cycle it. Hang tight and maybe seek furthur advive if the worry of it is getting too much. We need to look after ourselves during this time as its far from easy. Xo CK

  • Posted

    In the midst of a bad gastro stretch - pain, no appetite, bloated, tired, and the worry that accompanies all of that.  I am 52 and haven't had a period in almost 3 years now.  When I first started perimenopause, this was one of my first symptoms along with flooding and passing large clots.  I'm bummed that the stomach issues are rearing their ugly head again.  

    • Posted

      Kim, i can sympathise....ive had all what you mentioned especially the tummy and neasea and Ibs. Take a good probiotic tablet each day as this has helped me enormously....this will pass with time.... Its horrible i know as last year i was in rome and i felt so awful i thought my time was up but it was a bad ibs period....

      Hang tight and see if a probiotic will help. Xo CK

    • Posted

      well,Kim..I know how you feel. I pray that you'll feel better soon. I'm better today, after a few cups of ginger tea with apple cider vinegar....and realizing that I had eaten crap the day before!!

      Try the tea...it really helps every time.

      Thank you for responding.

  • Posted

    If you’re going on trips and can function then You’re doing a lot better than myself and many women on here.

    I am completely debilitated cannot travel go out .  I too go to the bathroom a lot ... honestly that’s not the worst problem it could be so much worse ! 

    • Posted

      You're so right, Lori...I will count my blessings. My sister said the same thing.

      Take care and I hope you feel better soon...

  • Posted

    Hi Katy. I tell you sometimes I feel like I can't eat anything. I found this lovely goat cheese and marinated vegetable pizza at Kroger in the frozen food section. It was delicious. I was going to take the rest for lunch the next day. The next morning(without going into TMI) I was late for work because I spent a good deal of time in bathroom. It was too rich. So now I have to throw it out. 

    And yes I try not to, but there's always this little voice in mind telling me something is horribly wrong and it's not. Katy you are fine. Once I went without a period for eight  months, I was sure I was done then bam! Got my period and had it like clockwork for another year then it stopped in November of 2010 and haven't had one since.

    But every time I go to my gyno she asks me if I've had nay bleeding. If you want to put your mind at ease go see your gyno. My I've been having twinges in my ovary area. I worry, then I make myself stop, because the Bible says worrying will not add one day to your life. Then I worry that I've worried to much and I've worried too much and shortened my life! Lol!  THIS IS SOME CRAZY STUFF!!! Sometimes I just want to run away.


    • Posted

      Juanita... you always make me smile. This time you made me laugh out loud...!! Now I'm worried too that I've worried my days away!🤣😳

      Thanks for understanding...I appreciate you.

    • Posted

      I does my heart good to know that I could make you laugh!🤣 We have to laugh about this transition sometimes or we will go mad! Chin up Katy, by the grace of God we're gonna get through this crazy mess!🤗?

    • Posted

      We should try to laugh more. The Bible also says "a merry heart doeth like good medicine". Makes up for some of that worrying!🤣🤣

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