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Hi everyone 4 years ago I had encephalitis which caused damage to the brain . I was told I had epilepsy and was put on seizure meds and haven’t had a seizure since it happened . For the last couple of weeks I’ve had a terrible headache and possibly x3 black outs so I’m really paranoid now thinking I have a brain tumour. I’ve had a neologist test done where they check your balance etc and that was fine and I also went to get my eyes tested as I was told the options can pick these things up. this was also clear . Am I been anxiously or could these symptoms be a brain tumour. There is no other symptoms yet just the seizure and the head pain is also on one side of the head and covers a small area

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    You've experienced significant brain trauma from the disease, so I think you should see someone who can properly investigate what's going on like a neurologist.  

    Best of luck to you! Please let me know how you get on!

  • Posted

    Ypur most likely fine. My mom had a stroke at the young age of 25(she had a heart condition caused by a high fever i forgot what is called) but she suffers from terrible migraines sometimes theyre so bad she cries. And not even the strongest migraine pills work. And its normal an important part of your body just went through trauma theyre will be side effects. And shes had migraines since i can remember! So don't worry too much but its good your keeping your health in check.

  • Posted

    If you are experiencing headaches and only headaches, it is highly unlikely that you have a brain tumor.
    • Posted

      Hi amburr99 

      It’s just with having a few possible seizures constant head pain on one side I’m a bit paranoid. Also I’ve noticed recently after I’ve been to the gym about an hour or so later that pain on one side is worse. I’m probably just paranoid 


      Or and thanks for the replies guys 

    • Posted

      Understandable. I'm sure you're your. Just see a neurologist.

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