Turning 50 / Depression / Weight Gain

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Hi all - having a hard time lately dealing with life.  I am turning 50 at the end of Feb - i am super depressed about it - i have gained over 40 lbs in the past 1.5 years since my hysterectomy

I am a breast cancer survivor - almost 7 years now.  in 2015 had a hysterectomy. Gained 40 lbs - that will not go away. Super depressed and my marriage is falling / has fallen apart.  I attribute a majority of my feelings on weight gain - feeling unattractive etc.  Is there anyone else out there going through this????

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm sorry to hear that you are having bad time but it's so amazing that you are a Big Winner!

    You are very strong. I'm sending a huge hug to you.

    You need just a bit help. May be friends who you can start with new diet plan? What about swimming or sport centre by the way you can meet nice man there. 😉

    You are amazing! Ladies like you never stay along.

    My warm wishes to you.

    • Posted

      Thank you for your kind words.  The hug is much appreciated!  I really needed that.  Every day is a struggle at home and work.  I get through because i am a survivor and have faced worse - but when does it end.
  • Posted

    Hi Cathi,

    I hear your sadness.  But I am so impressed with all you and your body have done to heal and to stay healthy. You are really a hero, even if you do not feel like it right now. 

    Your body has managed to triumph over many traumas. Can you send it love right now? Even if you carry a little more weight than you would like, you are still a miracle. That makes you the most beautiful woman in the world. 


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      Thank you for responding.  It is hard to look at myself in the mirror sometimes - missing part of me and all.  But almost 7 years later and it kinda grows on you and becomes the norm.
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    I know exactly how you feel I am 53 have had terrible trouble coming to terms with the menopause. I was extremely depressed, don't feel as attractive as I used to be it has knocked my confidence. You are clearly a fighter so don't let this get you down I know it's very hard to be positive but you need to find a way to get through this. You need to seek professional help. I was diagnosed with Menieres Disease earlier this year, I have tinnitus and am partially deaf I was devistated when the doctor told me there was no cure. This forum has helped me a lot not just for this but also with my MD I know I am not alone and not the only person sufferings. Try and set yourself some small goals and plan a way forward. I was extremely overwhelmed by the menopause but decided to take the bull by the horns and not suffer. Come on you don't let this beat you 😀

    • Posted

      Almost sorry to say but i am glad to see someone else going through this with me.  I am not alone!! YEA!!  Thank you for sharing your story with me.
  • Posted

    Yes ma'am I am 54 never had a hysterectomy but have definitely put on weight. I'm depressed and I take Celexa. It has helped and I'm going to start running when this weather clears up and hopefully I can lose it. Don't feel bad we all go through this if you're a woman anyway. Men have no worries whatsoever!!!!!! Prayers for you but you are not by far alone!!!

    • Posted

      Hi Susan,

      I will look into possibly getting on some meds.. they may help the immediate symptoms.  thanks for sharing.

  • Posted

    Dear Cathi

    I have noticed weight gain since my ovary removal over a year ago. I had them removed due to family history. I didn't really notice a change until six months after the op and then I noticed fat sitting more on my hips and tummy. I find it depressing that this has happened, I do go swimming and haven't changed my diet so it was frustrating that this has happened! To make things worse, I have a friend who has managed to keep very slim but I dont think she eats much. I find it hard to diet but am trying this new year. It seems unfair this weight gain when I haven't changed my lifestyle. My hair doesnt seem as full and dont grow like it did and I dont like myself in pictures much now. There was once a time I didn't feel too bad about myself but just feel abit blank inside and unfeminine! It doesnt help my husband has alot of life changes and seems to be going through a male menopause himself and doesn't want sex anymore, this doesnt help how I feel about myself. X

    • Posted

      HI there,

      Sorry to hear of your changes! i guess we all go through it and lean on each other for support.  My husband's sex drive hasn't changed and of course i am being accused of having an affair.. LOL.. as if!!  sending him numerous articles about women and hysterectomy's.. women and menopause.. none of it has sunk in to him.. i am running out of options and my marriage is falling apart quickly.

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