TURP and Retrograde Ejaculation
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A simple question really. I'm told and I read that the TURP procedure more than likely will cause RE. How do you judge that likelihood?
Is the procedure pot luck? Is it due to the shape and size of an individuals Prostate? Does it depend on the blockage? Is it down to the skill and experience of the surgeon?
The latter is surely an issue?
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jim81578 charles40613
kenneth1955 jim81578
kenneth1955 charles40613
jim81578 kenneth1955
kenneth1955 jim81578
jim81578 kenneth1955
kenneth1955 jim81578
RxGuy kenneth1955
Not saying that is good or bad. The whole thing just surprised me after the fact.
wally5 charles40613
I had the TURP and will not recommend it to anybody who still want to have a good sex life. I had the best sex before the TURP and after the TURP I just don't have a climax at all. I cant tell anybody how much I dread the fact that I did it and of course my urologist told me before the TURP that the sex and the feeling will be exactly the same. When I told him that its the biggest lie that anybody has told me, he told me to go and get another urologist. He had never heard of something like that before. Well the problem is that the damage is done now and another urologist can not reverse the damage.
I ought to have added that I started a thread here called The Urolift procedure; patient views and questions just over 3 years ago, I believe I was one of the first batch of Urolift patients and now I find myself in a dilemma.
I had the Urolift procedure 3 years ago privately in the UK. To cut a long story it hasn’t worked. I’m not sure why at this moment in time. My NHS urologist has told me I will have to have a TURPS. His reason being the median lobe is now forming a ball c**k at the neck of my bladder and in turn a blockage.
I’m very confused because my initial examination over 3 years ago saw no problems with a median lobe and apparently 3 years on it is now a problem and a problem Urolift cannot solve. Can a middle lobe develop in those 3 years?
You read that there is strong chance that TURPS will cause RE but they always use the word probable, possible or chance yet the post from j12080 explains really why RE should be an absolute certainty which is also my understanding.
No man wants their masculinity removed.
When you consider all the advances in medicine over recent decades it staggers me that this issue doesn’t have an easy safe solution.
jimjames charles40613
Yes and no on "probable". No on "certainty". Google "Ejaculation-preserving transurethral resection of prostate and bladder neck: short- and long-term results of a new innovative resection technique." 90% of trial participants had their ejaculatory function preserved. So, it seems like technique plays a critical role here. If you're in Europe, might be worth contacting the trial authors as it seems less invasive options may not work. You might also want to have urodynmic testing done, if you haven't already. Will provide a lot of info on how things are working inside.
As to "probable" and "certainty" again -- more accurate would be around an 80-90% chance of retro with your average uro, but we have had men here who have reported no retro.
uncklefester charles40613
I've always seen the urolift procedure as a stop gap procedure. You're not removing tissue you're just compressing what's there. Like squeezing a balloon the compressed tissue has to go somewhere
kenneth1955 charles40613
kenneth1955 charles40613