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MY POST TURP RECOVERY AND EXPERIENCEPosted about 14 hours agoI just want to thank everyone who followed and contributed in my earlier discussion " MY BPH EXPERIENCE".
I had my TURP on June 1, 2016. Procedure went well, in OR less than 2 hours. Got pictures from my urologist with before and after surgery. Stayed overnight in
hospital. Did not have much pain at all and had 3-way catheter for continius bladder irrigation. Did not bleed much. Next morning urologist came to see me and removed catheter. With voiding trial I did not have much luck. My first PVR was 335 and 2nd PVR went to 425 and I already felt I won't go home without catheter. Started urinating about every 5-10 minutes very small amounts of urine less or about 100 ml. Nurse checked 3rd time my PVR and it was over 500 ml. Urologist ordered catheter to be inserted and I could be discharged home. Came back home orotund 4 pm on Thursday June 2nd. Dealing with catheter, tubing and bag is different story or better said "pain in the neck" and I dealt with that for 8 days until my appointment with urologist on June 9th. I worked on Saturday June 4th and regularly after that. I am very lucky to have job from home. Sitting was fairly uncomfortable but I managed to work every day 8-9.5 hrs.
Than, come time to see urologist on June 9th at 3 pm. Went to get my wife from her work place and we headed to urologist office. After I was checked in, was placed in the room and nurse feeled my bladder with about 400 ml of fluid than she removed catheter and left me in the room to urinate. Soon after I was able to empty my bladder very quickly and urinated 500 ml of urine so I passed voiding trial this time.
Minutes later, urologist came in and ask about recovery and how I feel after catheter removal. We talked about procedure and what to expect on the road of recovery.
Than comes huge and unexpected very negative surprise:
Urologist told my wife and I that my patohystological report came back and it is POSITIVE FOR PROSTATE CANCER in one of the prostate chips GLEASON 6 (3+3) 4% T1a. I was speechles for couple of minutes and same was my wife.
Urologist told us about plan to do biopsy of the prostate but we have to wait at least 3 months until everything heals and scheduled appointment in September to see him again and than we will plan biopsy.
I am still in shock.
i would like to hear if anyone had similar experience.
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vincentb MK51151
Ive been through it myself im 66 years old
Fit for my age i had no symptems
Had psa check 18 .6
So started the journy
Digital rectal exam
Small lump
Biopsy of prostrate 12 samples
Cancer T2 gleason 6
Eventualy dicided on
Radical open non nerve sparing
After surgary tests on the tumour
T2c gleason 9
Its now 4 months after
Every thing was good prostate seminal vesicles lymph nodes removed clear margins
Had catheter on for 2 weeks
Now useing pads or uridoms with leg bag
MY PSA NOW 0.050 i feel like ive had a miracle back scuba diving now
Hope you have as much good luck as me
Al the best vin
martin30348 MK51151
vincentb MK51151
Full body nuclear bone scan. It all takes time.also in my case i went to six different hospitals for the tests .try to not get to upset and go with the flow.it will only make you feel badif you do.in my case i think i was ok
Even so i cryed uncontrolably quit a few
Times i seemed to know when it w
john47646 MK51151
james_74169 john47646
Hi John
I am new to this site ,just now started an account. I too have prostrate cancer but mine is advanced. I have had all the test you have had. My gleesin scpre was also 7 and my psa of over 50 , I think , i had it 1 1/2 years ago. My uro has put me on hermone therapy. It's very expensive and has a lot of side effects. CHECK IT OUT AS AN OPTION. I am having a lot of urinating problems . Just got out of a 1o day day for an infection and blockage. Had to wear a cath fo all that time. The doctor who attended me while I was in hospital brought up the testie removal. He said it is a one time shot to help slow down or quiet the reproduction of testosterone. I am not sure I like having my balls cut off. I have HD and have for 2 years now. Think about it carefully you can't sow them back on once they are gone. In my case I just might because mt parts down there are no good to me anymore and if I can be with my wofe a little longer then why not.
Have to wait 6-8 weeks after biopsy to schedule surgical removal of prostate.
james_74169 MK51151
james_74169 MK51151
I also have a glesson of 7 and my tPSA is 56.43. My PC has spread to my bones and doctor said my prostate is huge. My urologists said I only have two options . One is harmone therapy of full castration. Just went to doctors yesterday. Since he is the only one in my city I am going to another city for a second opinion next week. He is also pushing more far castration. I don't like that idea unless last resort to add a few years to my life. I was thinking of have castration next month but after my visit I m not sure I want him doing anything to me.
MK51151 james_74169
i know you want victory over your Ca and you will win. Do what ever is necessary to bit the Ca. Sometimes, price is high, but victory is even sweeter.
I elected to proceed with surgery for prostate removal and I am scheduled for November 2nd.
My priorities are: 1. Get rid of prostate Ca
2. Recover my continence in 2-3 months,
3. Recover my erectile function and start enjoying sex in les than 12 months.
I know, this all is achievable and I will work toward achieving my goals.
Best luck to you whatever you choose.