TV Adverts for" Vaginal Itching Creams" make me Cross
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I am tired of seeing TV adverts by the drug companies for creams to treat vaginal itching. They make it sound normal and minor. I didn't seek professional help until I was actually bleeding quite severely, because I thought it was something I should be able to deal with myself with some over-the-counter cream. We may not be able to find the perfect solution for our LS problem but perhaps we could help other women get diagnosed sooner if we all complained about these misleading adverts.
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ellen29082 fran24104
sue162 ellen29082
susanstreasure fran24104
I totally agree, since I was diagnosed two of my friends complained of itching and I advised a trip to GP, one was diagnosed with LS, the other with Dermatitis & Eczema. We need to keep raising awareness so more people get the right treatment.
andrea58721 fran24104
They make it sound normal and minor. Yes. I used Canestan for decades before menopause, with intervals of about 3 months in between. At first it was available on prescription and then it became an over the counter medication thus normalizing the problem. When that happens, doctors are not as aware of what's going on because you're not going to their offices for prescriptions. I often wonder whether all those yeast infections were a lead-up to my LS. Yeast infections, like LS, are also triggered by sugar, as is Irritable Bowel Syndrome which I also have had since menopause. Hmmm....
Maybe the problem originates with not linking certain diets with disease, and not linking 'minor' diseases like yeast infections with less minor ones like LS.
irana fran24104
Until I seen my regular Dr. She said LS
And now went back last week thinking Hemerhoids
But no apparently it is LP in my anus. sucks
I was doing good....thinking I had it under control
Going back tomy regular Dr in 2 weeks will see what she says
This is what my regular Dr gave me
2x a week vaginal pill Hormone started bleeding so I do it once a week now
Replenish cream 2 x a week
And the cortisone cream as needed (But not good)
What really kept me going was what I read on the net
Grab a spray bottle fill it Half with peroxide 3% only and half of sterilized water to clean wounds sold in pharmacy every time you go to washroom when done ... spray water bottle .....wipe delicately
You will see a big difference ....
Eventually you will use it only a few time a day
Then go 3/4 of sterilized water and 1/4 of peroxide
I will now more next week if really LP or Hemerhoids
I just taught to sharere this with you it is so scary when we start read about this...
This is my experience
Holiday_girl fran24104
andrea58721 fran24104
fran24104 andrea58721
I'm trying to think of a way out of the loophole but the solution escapes me at the moment. There are some good doctors out there who try not to be influenced but at the moment I just want to stop the misleading adverts. Vaginal itching can be serious don't self-medicate - find the cause.
Sedg andrea58721
I think we should start our own campaign using 38 Degrees people power change
Regarding getting through to pharmaceutical companies
It is a truly powerful medium methinks
Check it out ladies 🙏🏻
susanstreasure fran24104
andrea58721 fran24104
viv15674 fran24104
The over the counter creams always made my itching and pain worse, which is how I knew it was something more than just regular irritation. The thing is, many women do just experience harmless but irritating itching, so it's not necessarily that the companies are wrong to advertise their products for those lucky women who can get rid of their symptoms in a few days with an OTC cream. Women just need to know that if their symptoms continue or worsen with the use of an OTC medication, then they need to see a doctor.
kay70189 viv15674
Hi viv
I used the over the counter meds for what i thought was thrush. And it did settle the problem down the itching was intense and distressing. I even went to dr and sent away a swab came back clear foe thrush but still told to use creams for thrush. It wasn't until menopause that the LS stept up a gear and started to change skin. So i feel its unacceptable under given sircumstances to give our thrush cream unless accompanied by medical proof of thrush.
tweet! tweet!
Kay xx
viv15674 kay70189
I understand what you're saying, and it was wrong for your doctor to tell you to continue using the cream when you tested negative for thrush. I agree that the doctor should not have given you that cream without knowing that you were actually dealing with thrush. My point is that some women genuinely have simple problems that can be solved easily with OTC creams and it wouldn't seem fair to deprive them of an easy solution that works for them just because it doesn't work for us. If you use the cream and it clears up your problem, great. If you use the cream and your symptoms continue or worsen, then you should see a doctor. That's common sense. I don't see any reason to force women with simple conditions that can be treated with OTC creams to pay to see a doctor rather than walking into a store to buy something that works fine for them.
And I would point out that most OTC medications clearly indicate that you should see a doctor if your condition does not improve. Removing advertisements for yeast infection medications is not the answer. An information campaign about rare but serious conditions like LS would be a more productive solution.