Twitches normal or seizures

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I am starting to get these weird twitches in strange areas like in my head above my ear. i am scared is this seizures? ive also been having them in eyelid too but its the one on my scalp above ear which worries me

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6 Replies

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    I can't speak to what's normal because I also have a lot of anxiety about symptoms like this. But I can tell you that I suffer from a lot of twitching. Definitely in my face: eyelids and near my lip. And often in other places on my body, like my arm, thigh, calf and, freaky enough, even in my elbow.

    I've read that this can certainly be an anxiety symptom. So I'm hoping that's the case for myself, and for you.

    • Posted

      i have these to in my eye calfs a think its stress anf tirdness through anxiety and worry

  • Posted

    i they are completely normal. They are called benign fasciculations and very common with anxiety. I have had them on and off for over 30 years. On my scalp, arms, legs, eyelid, etc. They are not seizures. Basically when I have anxiety and I get them, I ignore them. Nothing to worry about at all

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    in fact, a lot of athletes get them a lot due to how they use their muscles.

  • Posted

    I get this feeling in various parts of my face and head, often at times when I am especially anxious or stressed.

    I really can't tell if this feeling is a sign of some more serious problem, but I can tell you that it is quite recurrent among the people I know.

    I haven't discussed it with my doctor yet, but I don't think it would be a bad idea.

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