Twitching/Muscle Spasms in Stomach/Side..
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Good morning ladies! I would like to know if any others are experiencing or have experienced a constant twitch /spasm in their stomach side area? Mine is under my ribcage on the far left side even with the height of your belly button but on my side. I awoke to this , this morning and its constant! It is not stopping . its been a couple hours now, and of course is driving up my health anxiety! I do NOT want to Google it for obvious reasons.. I do and have been getting plenty of twitching all over my body at this time , for past week but nothing like this, also I am not constipated, and this is not gas, just a constant twitch/Spasm.. Anyone else???
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Guest Gypsy014
Hey Gypsy! I get this from time to time. Also, a pulse in my stomach... so weird, I know the vagus nerve runs through that probably something to do with that! YES, do not google...I did before and it says abdominal aneursym...NOPE!!!
kelly85748574 Gypsy014
I get this as well. Sometimes it has felt like kicking or hiccups like a baby in there when I was pregnant!! In fact I was experiencing muscle twitches all over my body at some point. I really feel that magnesium supps and B 12 have helped me with a lot of that and the muscle aches I was having. Hang in there!!!
kelle34850 Gypsy014
yep!! I know EXACTLY what you are experiencing. It has been happening to me now off/on for over a year now. I also experience the muscle twitching all over. to me it actually feels like my muscles are popping. Like my other symptoms my best remedy is to ignore them!! Seriously! I have good days, I have bad days but I definitely seem to have more good days the more I ignore all these weird symptoms, shrug my shoulders and keep moving forward! I don't Google ANYTHING anymore!!!!! This forum is the only thing I allow anymore. Try to relax and just ignore it. it might stick around for a few days and then it will go away!
2chr2015 kelle34850
hey kelle. great post. just wondering how long did it take you to be able to shrug your shoulders and move on? i want to be able to do that so bad. like seriously i feel like i cant take anymore
sharcerv52408 Gypsy014
Yes I have gotten this before although it has been constant as you have described but sort of intermittent. Also I sometimes get this sensation in my upper chest/neck area which naturally sends me into a panic too. But I think that it is a common symptoms of menopause to have muscles twitches and or spasms. I think it's listed on the 66 menopause symptoms that was posted on this forum a while back. It is a bothersome and worrisome symptom to say the l
Sorry the first sentence should say, "hasn't been const
Thank you ladies! Not sure what this is, but sure is unsettling.. And has stayed with me all day...
amanda59745 Gypsy014
H gypsy, i don't have the muscle twitching on my tummy but, yes everywhere else legs and arms mainly. I get it somewhere every day and read it can be down to low vitamin d. I had all bloods done for lack of minerals and vitamins earlier this year and all came back fine, so don't take supplements. I read too much supplements can be harmful, maybe a read too much and should just try things instead. Like Lou i have that pulse that runs down my abdomen and i too googled, google scares me so don't do it xx
karen65574 Gypsy014
Hi i also get the twitching in my stomach , its a weird feeling , had it theother day for hours , then goes of !!! ache from head to foot today and sooo tired , here we go again another day of struggles x
4withGod Gypsy014
Hello! Yes, I can relate. It was hard for me to describe, but I think I get the picture. For me it is like a sucker punch to the stomach, if you will, but without the pain. It kinda takes your breath away for a split second and my stomach goes in as if being hit or your sucking in your tummy hard and sharp, but again no pain. This has occurred off and on for a few years now. Haven't really been able to really describe to a dr. or rather, they put no attention to it except to order stomach ultra sounds that proves all looks to be in working order. It's a mystery what our bodies go through.
4withGod Gypsy014
Also, forgot to mention that this only happens at night, when I lay down to sleep.
joy27148 Gypsy014
Hi, yes i am experiencing the same symptons but on my right side, under my rib cage. I think i started the menopause about 6 months sweats at night, feeling flushed, extremely sore breasts. I have just had my first period in 6 months. I feel drained.
Have i started the menopause then? I'm confused?
sarah45050 Gypsy014
I don't get the twitching or muscle spasms a lot in abdominal area, only a few times (felt like baby kicking from when I was pg), but I was getting them elsewhere a lot, especially in my thigh. It drove me nuts because it would wake me at night twitching. My naturopath told me take magnesium daily and it completely took care of it. I mentioned that she prescribed magnesium to my endocrinologist and he said that magnesium is excellent for muscles spasms and twitching. I use the powder and drink a packet a day if spasms or twitching start. It helps quickly. Just thought I'd mention it as something to look into for yourself. It also helped with my toe and calf cramping too.
kathy55991 Gypsy014
HI! So weird that you mentioned this - same thing has been happening to me on and off for the last week. It feels like a baby kicking and has me all freaked out. I have been blaming it on increased gas and indigestion but feel much better knowing that others are having the same thing. I was also afraid to Google it and figured it was best not to know. After 2 years and lots of Prosac, my health anxiety is finally tolerable (hope i didnt jinx myself!)