Two questions
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OK my doc tells me I'm to young for menopause at this point I wanted to just slap him right across the kisser I've not had a. Period in going on 3 yrs I ask him just what in the Sam heck is it then he looked at me like I was kookoo at that point I just got up walked out his office and I won't be returning OK so was I right ladies after 3 yrs I believe I'm in menopause right? Second question have any of you experience the pain in your wrist elbow and shoulder all at the same time seems like my shoulder stops then my wrist kicks in then my elbow lord but thank God for my rubber band I haven't had anxiety today I'm really learning to make my own tunes with my rubber band lol it helps me to get my mind off everything else thanks ladies for your response ((((( hugs))))))))
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mary18003 monique_93857
I hate doctors. Find a new one. Is he a gynocologist? If not, when did you last see one?
monique_93857 mary18003
sharcerv52408 monique_93857
That's what I'd like to know! My doctor told me the same thing that I'm not going through peri. I'm with you. Then what is it?! They're so quick to tell you what it isn't but can't tell you what it is! SMH!
jane63977 monique_93857
I was going to ask exactly the same question , as mainly it has been my right wrist achy , but today it's been my left . Now as I type this it's both of them ! I feel like an old crock and I'm not 49 until next month . I have had so many different symptoms since last year , my list seems to never ending and I have really thought I am losing it at times . My worst are nausea , loss of appetite sometimes , general anxiety , migraines and just feeling generally under the weather . My memory seems to be getting worse as well , like I sometimes have trouble remembering simple words . Is this all normal ? I'm still having regular periods , but they can be painful and heavy almost like when I was a teenager . A lot of these symptoms came about last summer when my mum became ill and died shortly afterwards , so I don't know if this has intensified them . Hugs to everyone Jane Xxx
monique_93857 jane63977
I can take a lot of things but this aching seems to get worse I made my hubby take his knee band off and let me put it on my elbow up my arm it's helping a little why oh why do we have to get so much aches and pains I can deal with the anxiety I just play with my rubber band on my wrist but these aches can take a hike in the nearest lake lol
brendababy jane63977
So sorry for your loss Jane I've suffered the same in January this year losing my mum
My symptoms have got worse as well so I think any stress/anxiety, grief or trauma definitely intensifies all of your symptoms
I can't turn my neck cos of the pain and stiffness, psych doc thinks that I've tensed it so much with anxiety that's causing the problem and I'm also scared to move it now incase it makes the dizziness I have worse
I've read that other woman in meno have problems with their necks and joints so I don't think it's all due to anxiety
I hope your getting support Jane and dealing with your grief as well as you can
Take care of yourself
brendababy monique_93857
Yes and yes monique. Sorry I had to laugh about the rubber band ?? No wonder you have a sore wrist snapping that against it
No seriously I've heard doing this does help distract you from being anxious, might give it a try
All the best xx
shirl15546 monique_93857
Sochima822 monique_93857
You need to see a female gynecologist who will understand what you're going thru. xo
unico31026 monique_93857
Trishann monique_93857
Your definitely in menopause ! I'm 43 yo and my gyno told me I'm in Perimenopause because my periods are less and less each year. I'm On and off for 4mths I miss then 4ths I'm on !? Fratrating! Weird pains in my body.anxiety gets bad. Dizziness! Also I get all the neck pains , arm, wrist and chest pains! It gets bad the neck pains , hurt and it's scary! My Head always feels weird too! Can't wait til this is over! ??
looloo43 monique_93857
What an ignorant idiot that doc sounds. Anyone can see with all your symtpoms your are most probably menopausal(past peri) if no periods for 3yrs! I would ring your doc surgery & ask if they have a specialist meno/well woman doc or nurse & make an appt to see them. many surgeries have a specialist doc or nurse now. You should find them more helpful hopefully. xx
debra06803 monique_93857
Monique ready to slap my gyn dr too he says I'm full blown menopause after post op surgery and sending me back to my family dr cause he doesn't want to deal with me I guess he is new I've been seeing a female dr who moved away was stuck with him so just as well not going back to him either had enough ! I thought gyn did all female issues but guessed wrong hang in there girl hope you can get Answers soon!!
monique_93857 debra06803
I have a question do you still get pms symptoms even though we don't have periods seems like to me I get the anxiety achy body can this happen yes I know we already have our crazy symptoms but I feel like we still get pms even without having anymore periods