UFE or Myomectomy for 2nd Fibroid removal.......
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So, the fibroids are here again and continue growing and growing. I am 36 years old, and have no children. I hope to have children in the future. I am not certain which option to choose....2nd Myomectomy or UFE?
I had my first myomectomy in August 2012. I had about 12-14 fibroids removed. The largest fibroid was about 12-14 cm. The recovery was about 6 weeks. I remember being in the worst pain ever during the 1st week after surgery. I told myself I would never want to go through this again.
I had an ultrasound about 3-4 years later, and it appeared that I had multiple fibroids. I believe they may have been there when I had my myomectomy in 2012, but just too small to see to remove. They may have grew over time, which leads me to having to deal with them at this point. They are not as large as the fibroids in 2012, but are causing heaving bleeding, swelling of legs, anemia, and enlarged abdominal area.
I'm looking into the UFE treatment, which would treat all fibroids. I am concerned about fertility after the UFE treatment. There are known pregnancies after UFE treatment, but I have read that it could possibly cause complications with fertility.
Anyone who has been or is in the same situation?
Thanks for any information
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vivienne34555 c29841
c29841 vivienne34555
marie61198 c29841
Hi! I'm in a similar situation... 33 years old, no children yet. Only have one large submucosal fibroid, about 11cm, causing similar issues, bleeding, anemia, a lot of pressure (always in the toilet these days!) and discomfort in general. I am currently waiting for mri scan to see where exactly this bugger is. My gynaecologist suggested UFE or myomectomy but I don't really want UFE! I have spoken to a few people online and they all said it's not recommended for anyone wanting to have children due to insufficient research into the effects of ufe on fertility. I really would like them to do laparoscopic myomectomy (key hole) rather than open myomectomy. If your fibroidssre still smaller, then a good surgeon will be able to remove them through keyhole... I'd say research your options and don't let them push you- it's your body after all... best of luck and please do post an update, I would be very interested to hear how you are getting on! 🍀
c29841 marie61198
may49858 c29841
Hi, Based on the literature out there, it seems UFE is not recommended for women who plan to have kids. The first Surgery you had probably was not thorough- they left out small ones that havenow grown. Could be they were too small to see or feel orthe surgeon is not a good "Cotton picker."
Since this is a second attempt, you should seek out the best. Go to fibroidsecondopinion.org (Dr William H Parker). He was my surgeon recently and is world renowned. He even picked out some that were the size of peanuts. His "mission" is uterine conservation and he is very approachable and affordable. Despite being famous,you don't have to wait more than a month for a consultation. Since you want to save your uterus for pregnancy, it is imperative you seek assistance from someone who's done this for decades without mishaps. If you are far away from California, he can do a phone consultation with you. He has instructional videos online about the procedure. Lot's of information to make you feel comfy with myomectomy. He is not pushy so he is not going to try to force you to be his patient. But you will learn a lot from talking to him.
c29841 may49858
This greatly helps! Thanks so much! I will definitely browse his website and possibly schedule a consultation. I'm so ready to get over this stage and move on with my life, and this just may be just what I need to make the right decision. Thank you! Greatly appreciate the information Wishing you all the best