Ugh! Can someone talk me through this one?
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I know what day it is- day 13 in my cycle (13 days from the start of my last period)
I KNOW hormones are out of wack.
I KNOW I feel this way every month at this time.
But man if I don’t get totally freaked out every time 😩😩
My head is completely weird- feels SO tight on top/front.
Back feels like “heavy head”.
Lump in throat (that we all know isn’t really there)
The beginning of what feels like “might” be a migraine coming on.
Eyes feel like they want to go out of adjustment lol (but they don’t “actually” do it)
And of course heart palpitations
Ugghhhhh......I just get SO freaked out EVERY time.
Please all my fellow Peri ladies talk me through this one.
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EVERY month 12-15 days from the first day of period.
Guest Str8tfans
I had a few really good days right after my period ended. Then bam, all the stupid symptoms are back. Burning feet, wierd headache, feel like a weight on my back and hard to breathe, achy, fluey. Gone are my palps and throat lump so I must be further along in the process than you.
And I’m just now starting to get the traditional hot flash which I thought wouldn’t come. Oh joy
All I can say is that we now know it’s our hormones, so just try and ride it out. We are not dying from some disease. I know this now for sure, cause I’d be dead already.
Str8tfans Guest
Suzanne thank you so much! Can’t type much right at the moment but thank you thank you 🙏🏻
Wannabenormal Str8tfans
I hear you, I have the tightness on top and front of head.
Yep, I get the chest thing too.
My eyes are affected too, left more than right, that's the side I get migraines on.
Str8tfans Wannabenormal
🙏🏻 Thank you!!
2chr2015 Wannabenormal
kellys38 Str8tfans
This month is the first time I've had the tightness and heaviness on the top and back of my head. Sometimes the only thing that "sort of" relieves it is applying more pressure with my hands or rubbing it lightly. I know it's easier said than done, but try to breathe. Het on YouTube and do some meditation. That's how i calm myself down everyday when i feel a panic attack coming on. If you're at work, just go to the bathroom and take deep breaths in through your nose and let it out through your mouth. Count 5 breaths in....4 breaths out. It helps. Big huge hugs xoxo
littleme1969 Str8tfans
Str8tfans littleme1969
Wannabenormal littleme1969
Hi littleme
Ah, ovulation, yes when I think about it I do often get symptoms and increase of symptoms around the time of ovulation. I'm going to keep my eye on that. Thanks.
2chr2015 Str8tfans
Str8tfans 2chr2015
Came on here to read and maybe calm myself.
Having issues tonight with palpitations, you know, when you’re super hypersensitive to your heatrate? Anyone else do that?
So I feel it in my neck and drive myself crazy. Then I’ll feel it in my back, then my head.
If I busy myself or start a conversation with someone and get occupied I notice I won’t bother me for awhile.
But I always get that thought “should I go to the emergency room??”
It’s so frustrating.
So tonight that’s what I’m dealing with, and a headache/neck ache. So it could be worse as we all know, but it’s the Health anxiety that gets me so bad. EVERY time it happens, any of it.
Thank you for asking. On bad days idk what I’d do without this forum.
2chr2015 Str8tfans
Yep! This is my go to spot when I'm having a bad day or night. Don't know what I would do with everyone here