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I have never felt such anger and irritability in my life. I dont want to be around anyone i dint want to talk to anyone its awful. I havent been going to functions because of how awful i feel. The anxiety and over stimulation is a killer non stop 24/7. Tried medication,, tried an herbal thing every fkin thing makes me feel worse how is that even possible can you tell me? Am i causing it?
If im not sobbing one second then i want to bash my or somebody elses head against a frigin wall.
my psychiatrist doesnt like that im detaching from family and friends. well i dont like feeling a never ending list of physical symptoms and being told im fine or its "anxiety".
sorry just needed to vent:(
3 likes, 6 replies
christina81747 susan39015
i have been anxious and angry all week but i know im fustrated that school is out and two kids home and i work from home and i cant stand feeling trapped during day if i want to go for my exercise walk i cant now and all i hear is mommy or fighting plus i was stressed cause ine kid graduated 8 th and other kindergarten plus had to be around ex emergency with dogs eye neighbor died son sick with high fever for 3 days daughter sick and bored should i keep going i want to rip my hair out i feel so trapped while husband goes to work and is around other adults all day i feel like im lising my mind plus im in 10 th day of cycle and my boobs blew up like balloons today and stomach i want to scream at someone and the littlest thing sets me off! sorry for the rant!!!!
christina81747 susan39015
i have been anxious and angry all week but i know im fustrated that school is out and two kids home and i work from home and i cant stand feeling trapped during day if i want to go for my exercise walk i cant now and all i hear is mommy or fighting plus i was stressed cause ine kid graduated 8 th and other kindergarten plus had to be around ex emergency with dogs eye neighbor died son sick with high fever for 3 days daughter sick and bored should i keep going i want to rip my hair out i feel so trapped while husband goes to work and is around other adults all day i feel like im lising my mind plus im in 10 th day of cycle and my boobs blew up like balloons today and stomach i want to scream at someone and the littlest thing sets me off! sorry for the rant!!!!
kelly55079 susan39015
I have anger and rage before my period.. I also do my best to skip social gatherings especially the ones that give me anxiety. I can do lunch or a movie with a friend and I'm good with that. But these get togethers/parties-- I'll pass.. And that's another thing I too get over stimulated which I never used to be-- why is it? Last weekend my dad turned 80 so we had a small gathering-- BUT by Sunday night I was exhausted-- the whole thing just wiped me out as does a vacation.
Keljo48 susan39015
Oh, I can relate! I just posted about my My neighbors avoid me. They close their garages and go inside. I don't really care honestly. I dented the hood of my husbands SUV because I needed to hit something. I didn't mean to dent it. It is a big dent in reinforced steel.
I feel so completely horrible I am considering going to the ER. Even though I have a Dr appt tomorrow. I don't think i can make it until tomorrow.
catherine73049 susan39015
Yes now how u feel been feeling like this for weeks ts bloody awful thin k your OK one minite the bang the feeling is back again its a nite mare just wish I cud b normal again I'm on hrt patches but they do t do much good so just got get on with it it's hard but we got no choose its life its what we woman have to go through God wish I was a man lol xx
Thank you ladies for all of yiur replies:) To the lady that dented the hood of her husbands car omg haha im sorry but that cracked me up i have felt like doing that many times in fact a couple weeks ago i googled punching bags because i was thinking of getting one haha.