Uh Oh, I think I overdid it

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did all exercises yesterday morning.  Feeling pretty snug until I felt a sharp, burning pain on left side of kneecap.  It doesn't feel as bad today, but now afraid to "poke the bear."  

Anybody else ever experience this?

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Don't worry too much. In the first few weeks you get all sorts of pains, and sharp feelings, stabbing pains etc.

    You possibly just pulled some adhesions apart.

    Rest today, and go gently for a day or two.

    excersices do tend to cause a lot of weird pains, it's normal.

    • Posted

      Oh TY.  I am doing just what you suggested.  Feel much better about it now 🤒

    • Posted

      It's easy to get panicky when you don't know what to expect, and think you've damaged yourself.

      I've had both knees done, and believe me I was a lot more relaxed about the second one😊

  • Posted

    I think these types of flare ups are typical when you overdo things. Whenever I do that, I ice and try to stay off and rest it. Sometimes rubbing around the area can help as well. Hope it's feeling better soon!


  • Posted

    Burning sensation goes on and on, gets less but I still have at a low level at 18 weeks
  • Posted

    My surgeon said that I cannot hurt either of my knees TKR doing my exersizes, it is only the muscles and nerves that are feeling your exersizing smile


  • Posted

    Your knee will always tell you when you did too much.  Back off...then resume...gradually.  Try a FitBit or pedometer.  Find your pain point then back off.  Track your steps every day and increase over time.  At 5 weeks, I did 8,000+ steps and paid dearly for the mistake.  Be smart...
    • Posted

      Thanks that's exactly what I did.  Now back on regular routine.  

  • Posted

    What kind of exercises were you doing, and for what condition? I had a similar issue when I was doing knee bend ROM exercises laying on my stomach, and I pulled my knee toward my but with my my hand.  I felt something pop, and It hurt for a full 7 days after that. Fortunately I didn't tear a tendon, but it put my pt back a whole week.

    • Posted

      Just doing ones on sheet from PT, but I think I got overzealous.  I laid off a day and gradually got back to normal; although I feel a little jolt once in a while.

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