Ultrasound result
Posted , 6 users are following.
I've to make a routine appointment with doctor regarding ultrasound result. Is this normal procedure as starting to worry.
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Posted , 6 users are following.
I've to make a routine appointment with doctor regarding ultrasound result. Is this normal procedure as starting to worry.
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Guest maxine19594
Some places will only give results to doctors. Luckily my breast place tells you results right away without the gyn.
Takingtime maxine19594
Try not to worry. I have had them call me in when I have had tests done by other doctors and they came back normal, they just wanted to see how my symptoms were and if we should look further. If there is something going on they may need to order more tests or refer you onward.I dont understand why they just cant tell us what is going on over the phone or at least give us a heads up so we dont worry.Best of luck!
maxine19594 Takingtime
Exactly. I sure will let you know. Thank you
2chr2015 maxine19594
what taking said. try not to worry. when is the appointment?
maxine19594 2chr2015
Next Thurs appt. I'll try my best not to. Its good to have these forums as you feel your not alone in a way and it's a way to speak about your fears rather than speaking to family.
2chr2015 maxine19594
i agree. I understand how lonely it can be trying to handle all these emotions by yourself. Every time i have to go through something like this, I just try to find anything to do to keep busy. are you in the US? sometimes you can call the office and see if there is anyway they can squeeze you in sooner because it is causing so much anxiety. ((hugs)) please keep us updated.
maxine19594 2chr2015
I'm in the U. K. Yeah keeping busy does take my mind off it. Think a lot has to do with my age, I'm 49. It's only in the past year that I've started having irregular periods, heavy bleeding. Defo keep you posted. Thanks
Sassyr12a maxine19594
Hi maxine,
I'm in the same boat. I went for a pelvic ultrasound last Friday, by Wednesday the doctor was calling.... You and I both know they never call in the UK 📞😊 when I spoke to him he said I have a number of cysts on my right ovary and a thickened lining so I had to pick up blood test forms and be referred to a gynaecologist. Got my bloods done on Friday and it includes CA125 blood test which is to check anything sinister and on the same day got the appointment through for referral..... All super super quick which is unnerving. They have a fast track in place apparently so whilst a flipping worry, it's reassuring that I'm not chasing them around for tests and appointments. I should get my blood results by Wednesday and gynae is on the 6th August. Try not to worry too much, I'm sure it will be something straight forward but if similar to my situation at least you'll know you're not alone and you'll be in good hands. Big hugs xx
maxine19594 Sassyr12a
Yeah mine was fast tracked too. Doctors then hospital with gynaecologist in less than 2 weeks. I've had biopsy, ultrasound and internal and bloods oh and smear test too. Smear and bloods back all okay. Txt msg I received was to make a routine appointment with any g. p to discuss letter from hospital. Other thing gynaecologist was concerned about was my blood pressure because of family history on dad's side, heart attacks and breast cancer all of them under 51yrs, so don't know if that's anything to do with it as gynaecologist asked me to make Dr's appt twice to get checked out. I hope everything is all good for you too. Please keep me informed ❤️❤️