Ultrasound results today

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just wanted to write again. I will be going today at 140pm to get my ultrasound results of my adbomen that I did about a week n a half ago. im so scared. i just keep picturing being told only bad news especially with all the symptoms i gave experience in the last month.

I've lost 20 pounds in the past 2 months. i have cut out junk food and soda due to all around adbominal discomfort. I think the weight is too much to be lost in a little bit of time. which puts my anxiety even worse. I get kinda of like sharp pain almost all over my adbomen. first started right upper quadrant then moved to left and sometimes on lower left. I can only imagine what Ever I have isn't good . the pain isn't strong but uncomfortable.

I will check in after my appointment.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Let us know how you get on, we all think the worse and usually it's nothing to worry about

  • Posted

    keep us updated on your results. Although it can be scary, you will soon have the results ad can begin moving forward.

  • Posted

    Cutting out junk foods and being anxious will cause weight loss. Try not to worry. I had generalized abdominal pain that moved about that was sharp, deep grinding, sore to touch and dull. I had change of bowel habit, nausea and intense health anxiety. I thought I was going to be told the worst every test I had., I was diagnosed with IBS. Try to think positively; it could be any number of things which could be treatable and not threatening.

  • Posted

    hello guys. thanks for your kind words.

    so I am back from doctor, and ultrasound results are back.

    I was so anxious sitting while waiting for the doc to come in. but to summarize doc said I have galstones. or better yet just 1 . and a fatty liver

    I know it can cause pain and I told him i get wierd pain in different parts of my adbomen not just the upper ride side. im happy that nothing major siegler besides that. but I showed if he could do a ct scan to be sure and he said if ultrasounddidnt find anything ct scan mostly won't. I'm going to talk top my PCP and see if she can do one just for piece of mind or get a second opinion. I don't even know if to pursue it further or just stay with the results. I did get a copy of my results.

    liver: increased parenchymal echogrneciity .

    gall bladder: the is a single gallstone without gallbladder wall thickening.

    spleen : normal size

    kidneys: no hydronephrosis or nephrolithiasis

    ascites: none

    aorta and ivy: unremarkable.

    he said just to go to ER If pain is extreme. for now he doesn't recommend surgery as he says that can have complications as well.

    • Posted

      Good news, I think that ultrasounds are pretty good at picking things up, I have a fatty liver and was told most people will have this over 30 as it's our lifestyles and nothing to worry about. Try to accept your results, easier said than done. Take care

    • Posted

      Try to accept your results and believe your doctor. Don't bother with extra tests since your doctor doesn't recommend any more being done. Further scans won't tell you any more than you already know and they will only make you more anxious. Your doctor is the expert You already have a diagnosis which should give you peace of mind.

    • Posted

      Strangely enough, when I had a ultrasound done to diagnose my abdominal pain, it showed that all my abdominal organs were fine including my liver and I was 42 at the time. It is possible to avoid a fatty liver after 30.

  • Posted

    I would get a second opinion. I have experienced doctors making mistakes and not taking patients serious enough. Please get a second opinion. I hope all goes good. Also I've had problems for over 4 years in and out of er and multiple doctors. One says liver herniation the other pancreatitis. I just want to feel better to.

    • Posted

      thank you, yes im planning on getting another opinion. im fling to my pcp this week and requesting a ct scan. if she can't do it im going to have her referr me to another gi doc. I just hate waiting so long for referrals and appointments and test

  • Posted

    i second on getting a second opinion. even if it turns out to be nothing, its better if it gives you a peace of mind. it is completely within your right also to do so.

    If i never got another opinion , i would never had found out I had IBS and fatty liver disease. my previous GI only thought it was acid reflux but once i had a lot more exams and scans run, it turns out it was more than acid reflux

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