Ultrasound revealed gallbladder sludge and I got referred to a general surgeon?
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The past year has been pretty intense for me health wise. I recently went to the doctors for pretty moderate weight loss that was definitely unintentional. I'm 21, 5 foot 4 and normally weigh 125-130. Now I weigh 108. This may not sound like much but I'm very petite, none of my clothes fit me anymore.
I had blood work done and the only abnormal thing were my liver enzymes that were slightly elevated ( AST: 79 and ALT: 61. So my GP ordered an ultrasound because I was also experiencing some pain in he upper right quadrant of my abdomen.
I just got the results today and was told that I had some sludge in my gallbladder that could be causing my symptoms and was referred to a general surgeon. Now I'm not a doctor but, wouldnt the sludge more likely be caused by the weight loss rather than the weight loss caused by the sludge? And why would I be sent to a general sergeon when most of the time the sludge isn't a big deal and does not require removing the gall bladder?
Any advice would help. I'm just very confused and would like some input and thoughts. Thank you.
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vic39330 echobrie
Ok so it's like this. Sludge is the precurser to stones. Basicly if the galblader isnt empting fully (or corectly) the bile builds up, gets ultra consintrated and becomes sludge. Next step is stones, and from there bigger stones. I'd recomend HIDA scan first. I had one 6 years ago when I had sludge.. My Dr saud anything over 76% was good and mine was 89%. HOWEVER, I will be having my GB out in the next few weeks because NOW I have stones. Low fat diet will help but AGAIN fat causes gallbladder to empty, and if its not emptying.. then its consentrating bile.. AKA forming stones. Some people say Gallbladdr flush.. I never tried it so I dont know.. I went with low fat diest for 6 months and then back to everything else (except ice cream- Pain followed soon after eating ice cream. Thats best I can say right now.. I would say get the HIDA scan and go low fat, that buys you time... Or if your willing to take the plunge just go and get it out.. Some people say it's the best way, Others say it made things worse.. I'll let you know here in a few weeks..
echobrie vic39330
Thank you for explaining! That makes a lot more sense. I just really don't want to have to remove an organ unless it's absolutely necessary… I feel like some doctors just want to take it out for a quick fix. I will definitely look into the HIDA and talk to the GS about it. Good luck with the surgery. I hope it solves everything for you.
back2health echobrie
Hey, they will b sending u to speak with a general surgeon due to looking at options for u so u and ur surgeon can agree what uz both think is best, I was diagnosed with gallstones 3 yrs ago and then they decided to leave them alone and over the past 5/6 months I've been in a lot of pain and discomfort with the gallstones, ended up in the hospital with it for 3 days N they done another ultrasound, turns out stones hadn't passed them self's and a few new ones had formed, and now I'm 3 and a half weeks post op gallbladder removal, I still get pain just now but my body is still healing but in time I think it will have been the best decision that me and the surgeon agreed on, there is other options, like they can break stones up etc but they normally don't do it that way due to the fact the gallbladder issues will come back
amanda309 echobrie
I would get a HIDA scan before deciding on surgery. A HIDA scan shows how much your gallbladder is functioning. Anything below 35% is abnormal and I heard that if it's too high it can also be bad. You don't want to get surgery to realize it wasn't the problem so be sure first. From what I thought, and I could be wrong, but sludge doesn't show up on an ultrasound. HIDA scan before deciding on surgery would be worth it.
captain1 echobrie
stephen17840 captain1
ashley38341 echobrie
Hey, I'm 24 years old and I had my gallbladder removed about two months ago as well for sludge. If you have sludge and are already having some issues with it I recommend that you get it removed because it only cause further problems to other orgins connection to your bile ducts.. I have a history of pancreatitis and for anyone who knows what that is well it's awful... turns out that cause of my pancreatitis is actually from the sludge of the gallbladder... I used to have attacks at least once a month which would last me a week in a hospital bed. My last attack was so bad it made my liver my gallbladder and pancreatitis so swollen.
I'm two months out and I can honestly say I haven't had any problems at all
it was worth it. Hopefully this helps someone
rick_04872 echobrie