Unanswered questions on erractic bleeding causing me worry
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Hello - so far this year I have been told my FSH levels were showing post menopausal and then normal. I have had changes in my cycle regularity from a steady 25/26/27 to a run of regular, then sort 17/18/19 days to 37/38 days. Along with that has been a change in the way they happen, sometimes a good few days of spotting before hand, sometimes pink or brown then a day or two of heavy flow (although it's mainly when I go to the toilet) and then it stops abruptly or spots for a good 5 days.
This pattern of bleeding emerged in January along with severe pain in my back and ovary area that subsided - the Dr took my blood tests and said perimenopause and i put it down to that. Since then I went to the GP again to say I was a bit concerned about this gushy bleeding, advised this is a common perimenopause thing but will have an ultrasound to check for polyps or fibroids adding to the bleeding.
I had the ultrasound last week which found multiple fibroids but actually no further info on whether this is causing the odd bleeding, they could only see fibroids on the outside of the uterus and I might need an MRI to check the inside. They couldn't see my ovaries or lining.
My issue is this - I am now worried about the treatment suggested for the fibroids (surgery is my fear) but am managing this anxiety and will wait for the gynae referral appointment which could be 6-8 weeks I am told.
The main thing that keeps bugging me is the strange bleeding, from what I read fibroids if they cause bleeding problems it is heavy flow for quite some time. I don't think this is what I am experiencing, it's just different in 'quality' and not thick anymore.
My concern is this is caused by some sort of problem noone has mentioned, a thick lining (I've heard this happens if estrogen is high) or something wrong with ovaries. In January nobody continued investigating so I just put it down to the hormones, but now I am worried it's something sinister they should have followed up.
I am sure noone can help me here and that the gynae will hopefully explain to me whether this bleeding is just par for the course in perimenopause and the fibroids are something to deal with but generally there is nothing untoward. Of course I cannot hear that right now and as my periods has arrived 'early' again it has set me off.
I am under the impression the gynae appointment is to suggest ways to treat the fibroids and perhaps take more scans.
I am so in the dark about what things I should consider abnormal or just part of changes. My periods have always started a bit light, heavier and then tail off - 5 days of manageble bleeding. Now it is almost like a faucet goes on and off and that's it. Not excessive but not my 'normal' - I get more of a heavy feeling and dragging before my periods than before, that could be the fibroids and a general feeling of yuck but that's it.
Can someone offer me any reassurance? I am 45 and wondering what is going on, maybe it's not perimenopause after all aaaargggh It's enough to drive you potty x
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Kadija1966 Beetle1965
Beetle1965 Kadija1966
Thanks for writing, made me feel a bit less anxious about the whole thing and yes, take it easy is the best plan x
susan556 Kadija1966
Now i have days of bloating, weight gain, and dryness and anxiousness
but the feedom of no more periods is heaven sent beleive me.
Beetle1965 susan556
Zigangie Beetle1965
Also one month very bright red next brown looking.
By about 48 I began missing one here and there. Then missing sometimes two or three.
I had my last one when I was just 51
Hope this helps.
Beetle1965 Zigangie
When you have the same thing happen with your periods for a few decades and then suddenly it all changes, it can be really disconcerting. The bleeding is definately as you describe - not the same from month to month. Sometimes the bright red, really has freaked me out. Not one Dr has really commented on my observation about the quality of the blood, so thank you for sharing that you noticed this change as well.
At the start of the year, when my FSH was high the GP I saw said you won't have many more periods with that level and none after a year and wanted to give me HRT. Maybe I am close to them ending, I just don't know, but another doctor said it could go on years as my FSH was then normal again and this is what happens. It's very helpful to hear the bleeding pattern is familiar to others. Thank you.