Unbearable period pain
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Since starting my period age 12, they've been heavy, I lose a lot of blood and usually a lot of clots, I get pains that i can only describe as like contractions, I spend most days on my period crying because i cant deal with how much pain i'm in. I've been to the doctors more times than I can count.
The last time I had blood tests done, these were the results:
- testosterone 1.5nmol/L
- serum androstenedione 5.6nmol/L (marked as abnormal but never received any follow up or information as to what this could mean)
- DHEA sulphate 10.1umol/L (again marked as abnormal, again no follow up)
- serum SHBG 20nmol/L
- free androgen index 7.5
- serum 25-HO vit D3 level 47.4nmol/L (again marked as abnormal with no feedback)
- serum sex hormone binding glob 19nmol/L
- serum tesosterone 2.85nmol/L
- another free androgen index (?) 15%
- serum FSH 6.70iu/L
Its getting to the point where I'm getting depressed because every month I spend 5 days in crippling pain feeling tired, because I cant sleep because of how much pain i'm in, worrying about being at work because even with the heaviest flow tampon, I leak through so have to wear an overnight pad in addition to the tampon and change every couple of hours.
surely this is not normal to live with this amount of pain?
I have been for an ultrasound once before and was told "normal no action" (thats literally all the receptionist said to me over the phone). I just dont know what else to do, I don't want to live like this anymore ðĶ
I have a lot of the other symptoms of PCOS but obviously the ultrasound didnt show anything.
I also have symptoms of endometriosis but this has never been considered.
Just looking for some help/advice.
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tricia51298 jadeelise_
Sorry your periods are so awful i feel your pain i am the sane way i had a fibroid removed in 2013 but i still bleed heavy with clots and bad pain . i went to a new gyno who put me on tranexamic acid pills, you only take them during your periods and they dramatically reduce the blood flow and in turn help reduce the pain. i also still take 4 advil ever 6-8 hours on my first few days but that pill is a godsend, see if your doctor will give you it. best wishes i sympathize with you
jadeelise_ tricia51298
Thank you for replying - it's nice to know i'm not alone lol!
I have had tranexamic acid tablets but they didn't make much of a difference - I wonder if they do stronger ones that maybe work better?
tricia51298 jadeelise_
my pills are 650 mg per pill so i am taking 1300 mg at a time what are yours? i would push to get an endrometriosis test
moon53540 jadeelise_
There are some prescription medications that might help, like naproxen or mefenamic acid. Have you asked for a test for endometriosis? It sounds like your doctor isn't really explaining things very well to you, have you considered changing doctors? You need to write down everything you want them to explain to you, so you don't forget. There are some herbal tablets like starflower oil and oil of evening primrose that may help balance your hormones. Take a multivitamin and mineral tablet every day because if you are deficient in something, it can affect your hormones. Try and cut down sugar, caffeine and alcohol round you period time as well.
jadeelise_ moon53540
i do usually go to the doctors armed with a list, i try to be prepared!! i would like to move doctors but it's difficult knowing which to go with!! Thank you for the advice. ð