Uncomfortable feeling Under Left Lower Ribs and lower back pain worried?!

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Hi everyone,

Basically i have had a very strange and uncomfortable feeling under mainly my lower left rib and lower back pain that radiates upwards at times for the last 2 months. The rib feeling is very strange its almost as if theres a ball or something pressing against it and nothing i do helps! it fluctuates between my right rib and left rib but is predominantly on my left. I also get upper abdominal discomfort and for the last few days i have been feeling very breathless? I am 23 years old. Ive been to the doctors and I am due to have blood tests and ultrasound done in the next couple of week. But I'm just worrying the feeling is so strange and my whole stomach and back area just feels so uncomfortable. When i sleeping on my left side sometimes it feels I'm sleeping on the heavy "ball" or feeling...anyone experienced anything similar? Any reply would be so helpful!

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    yes I have had exact same thing. mine was gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach lining. can be caused by stress.

    back pain comes from the stomach when a nerve refers the pain to the back.

    i had an endoscopy to diagnose it.

    avoid acidic foods like junk food, red meat, cheese, etc google list of acid foods and alkaline foods. u need to eat alkaline.

    alkaline foods are fresh veges, raisins, plant based diet when u get a flareup.

    but first see your doctor for accurate diagnosis.


    • Posted

      thank you for replying! sorry you've been feeling the same but im relieved to know im not alone! I will change my diet and see if their is a change. I also get the feeling in my lower left hip almost like something is sinking into it? I only feel slight relief if i apply pressure with my hand..do you get the same of know what this might be?

  • Posted

    It may be gastritis or costochondritis. Does the pain come on with eating or stress? If the ultrasound and blood tests show nothing, ask for an endoscopy to look for gastritis.

    • Posted

      thanks for replying! Its pretty much their all day but sometimes i feel more pressure with meals at times. I will deffos ask if nothing shows up

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      Maybe try a food diary to see if any particular food causes the pressure feeling.

  • Posted

    You know, it's quite common. If you search on this forum lot of people have got almost similar symptoms and are not able to come up with anything even after tests.

    It can be gastritis.

    On a side note, can I ask what are your sitting habits? How long do you sit on computer or office work?

    • Posted

      I need to have a look into gastritis! I do sit a lot i am currently studying so a lot of my time is say on a desk?

  • Posted

    Hi helpme101

    Yes i have had that approx a year ago like a wobbly ball under my left rib with back pain. Went to doctor she gave me thorough abdominal examination i could not feel anything. When i told her i felt it more when i leaned forward and laying on my left side she decided to refer me for an Ultrasound because she thought perhaps i had a aortal aneurism. Went for the ultrasound and they found nothing. They scanned everywhere, but nothing found. Approx 4-6 weeks later it disappeared and all was back to normal. So don't stress and worry it could be nothing at all to get concerned about....

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