Uncomfortable pain in my lower stomach?
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Hi ladies,
just wondering if someone could help me out here?
right I'm 47, been in peri for 2 and 1/2 years, currently on HRT, and have the Mirena coil fitted.
soooooooo I've not had a period for a few months now, BUT lately since Saturday I've been really poorly. Reflux playing up mega big style, headaches and migranes, and Sunday proper real bad pains in my lower tummy, I actually thought I was going to have a period, but no not had one yesterday again all day pains in my stomach, to which I just lay all day with a hot water bottle and took my IBS medication?
is this normal what I am experiencing?
today I woke up fine, thought gooooood it's gone whatever I had?
Nope came back round 1pm?
im clueless as to what is wrong why I'm experiencing these symptoms?
im also getting a discharge to ( like a creamy colour? ) if that is any help?
really what I want to know considering I have gone 3 months well nearly 4 with no period, is my body altering? Any help advice would be a massive help to me. Thanks all.
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ImagineOneDay Shelly0069
Dear Shelly, I am in a very smilar situ here. I am not sure how long you had the mirena. I have had the mirena over a year now(I cannot use HRT) I am 47 too. I strangely still have periods but very small amount and drags on in small discharges etc. I always have bad abdominal pain before the period and feel very tearful. Mirena supposed to stop bleeding after a while but it didn't with me. Going back history; I had it fit in the past and gradually it stopped my bleeding after a year, Then I had it removed and my periods were back. But this time dispite having mirena & peri I still do have periods. I put it down to changing hormons. Perhaps I would have bled even more without mirena. As for you perhaps you don't have periods anymore due to mirena but your hormons are still active and all over the place due to peri. You might have had the lower stomach pain due to that. But it might be a good idea to visit your GP if it is very new and unusual to you. GOOD LUCK!
cathyb66 Shelly0069
sue976 Shelly0069
Hi Shelly
i agree with Cathy, I would go to go you may have a infection, I had the mirena for 2 1/2 years and they told me that you are more proan to have infection with mirena. This could also be linked to the stomach pain or that could be due to hormones, I have had lots of tests because of low abdominal pain, I have had a ultra sound and the camera, the reason for the camera they found a polyp when they removed my mirena, I personally never got on with it, it made me very moody and emotional all the time. Don't ignore your pain, they can then check it out and give you peace of mind xx
Shelly0069 sue976
Hi ladies,
thankyou for the replies, I have an appoitment this afternoon, to see a GP, not holding out for much hope though it's with a male doc, NO female GPs available now pfff,
just my luck!
anway I still have these pains however no better but no worse, just getting frustrated and tad concerned?
Im due into work tomorrow, so that is worrying! Having a hot water bottle laying on my stomach at the moment, which is helping, however this I cannot do Tom at work!!.
let u no how I go on? Cheers for your advice. X
ImagineOneDay Shelly0069
Good luck Shelly. Who knows some times male Drs are more understanding&gentle than females. Yes, do let us know how it goes.