uncontrollable diarrohea - all tests clear.
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I have lacto intolerence and diverticulosis. I always watch my diet but sometimes
especially when I am out walking, I need to go and there are no facilities. I cant wait
and occasionally, I have an accident. I have had numerous tests and nothing radically
wrong with me. Never sure when this is going to happen either. It seems to be getting
worse with the advancing years. Does anyone else suffer like this?Is there anything
that can help besides taking diarrohea tablets in advance when going out.
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linda67164 Trowie
exactly the same. and you its getting worse. so would be very interested if any one can come up with any good ideas. as it is getting to the stage where i do not dare to leave the house
Trowie linda67164
I forgot to say I also have IBS so its a no win situation that I can see out of........
I do go out a lot but sometimes take tablets in advance but t hey dont always work..
Gurudas Trowie
i am in a similar situation. I have prostate cancer, lactose intolerance and IBS. i have noticed that if i follow FODMAP diet very strictly, and avoid processed food and food containing glucose fructose corn syrup and all artificial sweeteners, i am able to control my bowels to some extent. If i eat even a tiny quantity from the long list of prohibited foods, i have loose motions and stools come out from the anus and i soil my underwear. Some days i have to change my underwear 3 to 4 times in a day. Doctors have not been able to tell me why this happens. Their advice is to wear padded panties, similar to the ones worn by women at the time of their monthly periods.
Trowie Gurudas
such a sad time for you. Thanks for your honesty. I am unable to offer any advice.
if I eat from prohibited list I also have trouble. I am very careful but sometimes even eating properly the food once in the gut just doesn't mix well then I am on the loo for a long time. it is so debilitating.
Gurudas Trowie
You have said you also have divertculitis. You nay like to eliminate fibre completely from your diet for a week or so and see whether it helps. My understanding is that in diverticulis, small pouches in the wall of the large intestine get infected by food particles lodged in them. Fibre, e.g. vegetables,wheat bran aggravate the inflammation. Gluten is also said to be a culprit. It is worth checking whether you are allergic or intolerant to gluten..
Trowie Gurudas
I am ok with gluten sometimes not always. bread wholemeal is not a problem. fruit and veg. are a problem so I eat in small quantities. Thanks